Aquaponic Gardening

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If you have any information or experiences with Red Claw Crayfish please post them here.


SRAC article on Red Claws.


I sourced my Red Claws from Stick Fins.


My experience with Red Claws.

Views: 1520

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great thanks for the links guys.
Got them in the mail today.  I got the 35 small.  They are all alive and doing good.
Awesome. Feed them well and provide lots of hiding spots.

clint miller said:
Got them in the mail today.  I got the 35 small.  They are all alive and doing good.
What does a redclaw gastrolith have to do with Breast cancer?

Scott lemonds said:
Can someone find out how much komen for the cure donated to these guys last year for a medicine not intended for the usa.

Scott lemonds said:

Now what is an israeli pharmacuetical  companys invention doing in my crayfish tank?Hmmm.

Anybody interested in what happens when you call  up the flagship product of an eighty billion dollar  conglomerate,and tell them you have 3 different ways to harvest  redclaw gastroliths without their super advanced kervorkian crayfish death machine. Why did they change their website after i sent them some of  mine.Could it be They already know  that if you have redclaws your gonna see the stones?Is that why they started the north american astacus association the same year this above company came into being.


my favorite quote this year

"Scott they will never let this out,do you know how many people make a  living off awareness foundations,this would put to many people out of work.

Scott lemonds said:


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