I have finally got around to start to work building my AP system. I bought two 55 gal barrels and eight 275 gal IBC totes a few weeks ago and then the weather got cold and wet- progress stalled. At least we have had a few days
The system I now plan to build is quite a bit different than the one I originally planned. That is due to the help and advice of some of the people here.. Thank you.
I will buy the piping itself at one of the big box stores, but I can save a bundle by buying the fittings online.
Today I will begin cutting the IBC's.
I made 5 new platforms that I drilled to hold slotted pots. What I used was the plastic pieces from the side of the IBC's. I cut the end of one and fitted it lengthwise to the growbed. The main proble I found right away was despite my efforts, it was flexibles so maintianing the right water level would be difficult. To correct this, i tied in a small pvc rod under one of the platforms. Whether I keep any of these platforms much longer remains to be seen , depending on how they hold.
I am going totry to post a series of pics to show where I am now.
This is my drain with the nyon stocking on the end to catch PVC scraps.
This is the pipe from my pool filter to the cistern. Still laying in atrough until I make sure I have no leaks.
These are the left series of IBC growbeds. The first 2 are bareroot strawberries then I have a couple lettuce beds to test out.
I am still working out the water flow issues as some of these beds I am intending to be full DWC beds and some are going to be modified beds, fillng and draining with a fixed height of the growing platform..
Kool project iam rooting for u
I added 'snorkels' to the 7 growbeds on one side of the pond. They break siphon right on time. I started planting my growbeds. I am using 3/4 inch styrofoam this time for 6 of the plates. I have romaine and buttercrunch letuce for 3 of the beds and 2 types of strawberries for the other 3.
I fixed a way to hold the 'raft' suspended so the beds were really a modified flood and drain but without media. The problem I saw right away was using 2" slotted pots where they were a little short to reach the water. I had to change my plans for a couple days until I get roots growing below the pots so I can go back to my intended system.
This was not a problem for the strawberries. Instead of pots, I used foam anchors with a slit that would hold the lants in place in the holes. Since strawberries grow out instead of up, this system should work well.
I got a line on anther fish supplier today that might be able to deliver as early as next weekend instead of waiting until the end of the month. still have to check prices etc.
Almost of my beds are filling and draining. My problem is they are sluggish. I am looking at ways to ramp it up a bit. I did observe some of the fat-head minnows in my pool this afternoon. My crawfish population does not seem too distressed either, i did see a few dead ones, 1/2 eaten, but that was as expected.
I am looking at about 3 weeks before the next available fish delivery so I have time to tweak my system. I hope to have everything dialed in by then.
I cut 6 rafts today and cut holes for the pots.. Over the next few days I will buy more styrofoam sheets and get them ready.
I got the leak fixed and then a day or so later, put some extra sealant over the connections. The trench is still open. All the growbeds have bell siphons and were working.
Some were sluggish to start and stop and it seemed to take forever to fill a bed a tank and drain it. And THEN it dawned on me.. my water level was way higher than most people have been using...about 16 inches. plus I am filling 14 beds, and trying to balance them.
I could not find a 'flare' for the top of the drain pipes. The pvc bushings I found were totally unsuitable so I decided to make my own and see if the siphons would work better. Then because of the extra height, i had to go out quick and saw off each tube as they were overfilling the beds. Tomorrow will be when I can fine tune the inflow to the siphons.
I had hoped to fix all my rafts today and start planting. But that plan went out the window. Mid afternoon, I decided to go catch some crawfish for scavenging. I put 25 in each growbed except for one where I put 20 of the biggest I caught. I'm hoping they will consume some of the algae, but I might have to supplement that a little with some protein so they do not cannibalize,.,
In a way, it is almost a good thing the fish supplier could not deliver mine yesterday. I was late in ordering and the delivery truck was full.
I plumbed in all my drain lines today. Now making bell siphons for each bed.Biggest problem so far is a leak in the line from the pump and the cistern that fills the trench I dug to bury the pipe.
Tested the ammonia again and found the level had dropped from .50 ppm last night to .25 mid-morning.
On my way back from the hardware store today, I bought another 1/2 gallon of ammonia and added it to my pool. Just have to see what kind of readings I get in the morning.
I did not get my drains finished and connected to my main drain.
I did find that it takes alot of balancing to even fill the 14 growbeds at once. The last valves were kept full open while i started closing the first ones slightly to force water down the line. I even dound that a couple beds on the middle would fill faster than the ones closer to the cistern.... Just going to take some adjustments, And I am only talking FILL not getting a bell siphon to work...
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