Aquaponic Gardening

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I have finally got around to start to work building my AP system. I bought two 55 gal barrels and eight 275 gal IBC totes a few weeks ago and then the weather got cold and wet- progress stalled. At least we have had a few days

The system I now plan to build is quite a bit different than the one I originally planned. That is due to the help and advice of some of the people here.. Thank you.

I will buy the piping itself at one of the big box stores, but I can save a bundle by buying the fittings online.

Today I will begin cutting the IBC's.

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Comment by Pat James on May 25, 2013 at 2:50pm
Saturday,May 25... Just returned from added another group of 50+ fish to the pool system. I put 5 of the largest into one of the raft grow beds. I want to see if any are interested in breeding anytime soon. I removed all the crawdads and little minnows, drained the growled into the main pool and introduced the new occupants.

Fathead minnows must be the minks of the AP world!! I even saw a pair mating against the side of the swimming pool just a few inches below the water surface. I was not sure what I was seeing at first and they swam away when I got close, but returned as soon as I steeped back a few feet. I think the crawfish have been eating most of the eggs that have been laid in the big pool as I have not seen any smaller minnows. until today that is after I flushed a cole hundred into the pool. I see schools forming of former 'buddies' even 20 feet away from where they were dropped into the pool.
Comment by Pat James on May 24, 2013 at 2:38pm
Oh, I also ordered another batch of catfish fingerlings for delivery next Friday. I'm convinced (delusional :) ) that I have room for Alot more fish. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels remain at 0.
Comment by Pat James on May 24, 2013 at 2:34pm
I have not had a good look at my catfish, so today I went out and bought a cast net. It took me several attempts to get it thrown right. I caught one fish early on and then nothing. Last cast and I caught 9 cats between 5 and 6 inches long and 2 big ass craw dads.

I also decided that I will not be trying again to size my fish before harvest time. It is just too hard picking the net off thos lateral fins...

I planted another growbed with basil (21 plants) and checked out the root structure on the rest of my plants. Of the plants growing, I have as much biomass underwater as above. but that is fine with me as I want the fish more than the plants.

I also shuffled the PVC tubes the fat-head minnows are spawning on. I returned 5 to the main tank, leaving only 2 with eggs in the grow beds. I still have not seen a single juvenile minnow in the main pool. Either they are staying below the surface or the crawfish got to the eggs before I did.
Comment by Pat James on May 21, 2013 at 8:48am
Jim, Yeah, I want a bunch to use as scavengers, and insect control. I live in prime mosquito country. But I'd rather use the majority of bio load capacity for something I can eat.

Which brings up an off the wall thought... Has anybody ever heard of canning minnows the way you might sardines? Or pickling like you would a herring? :P
Comment by Jim Troyer on May 19, 2013 at 10:25pm

Hi Pat:

Don't  knock those little fishy guys, there is a guy here in Phoenix growing AP with guppies, 1000's of guppies.

You are correct in thinking that you need to add plant load to get ...

Also, you don't have to rush into this, it will happen in due course whether it's your fault or not   at least that's how my system finally worked out.

Since we are at about the same parallel,we here in the Arizona desert, have to use shade cloth to protect the leaves from the bright glaring sun.  If your plants look burned, give shade cloth some consideration.

Hope you are having a great time with your new endeavor!

All the best,



Comment by Pat James on May 19, 2013 at 11:34am
Today I re-planted some of my grow beds and planted a few for the first time. I had a few beds of romaine that were bolting and some failed crops of cilantro,parsely, and a few other things that I forget now.

I planted several types of beans. Any that I had that were bush rather than pole. I also planted a full bed of basil seedlings and one of turnips. These were extras from what I plan to put into the dirt garden.

Just for grins, and because I know I will not get around to setting up the containers for them, I planted 21 extreme bush tomatoes. These are a small plant with medium size fruit designed for containers. I had them and figured why not...

Really what I am doing is getting the growbed plants to compete with the algae and phyto-plankton for the nutrients. Nitrates have been testing 0.

I am seriously considering adding another 200 channel cat fingerlings. I have a few days to make the order for delivery on the 31st. I THINK I have the latitude to add more fish....

BUT, I don't want it to be like pulling on a rubber band.... You pull and pull and all is well, then it snaps and stings your hand... :D
Comment by Pat James on May 19, 2013 at 11:19am
Jon, I thought about that. First thought was tilapia fry which I understand will eat anything that gets close. but I need a permit to legally have tilapia in my state.

I'm leery about even adding a bream or 2.
Comment by Jon Parr on May 18, 2013 at 11:50am

Congrats again, Pat. Now you'll have to throw some predators in there to keep em under control. 

Comment by Pat James on May 18, 2013 at 8:34am
Nitrites hit 0 yesterday. Ammonia also 0. I had resumed small feedings for several days now and wanted to make sure I do not get a later ammonia spike. Full feeding last night and another this morning.

My minnow fry are really growing. I had googled the subject and had read where it took a guy months for his to start getting any size and change color. Alot of mine are between 1/2 and 3/4 inch long and you can see a distinctive difference in the rosy reds and the normal colored fry.
Comment by Jim Troyer on May 15, 2013 at 9:36pm

Hi Pat

Just read your entire blog, nice project.  You do not have to add any bio filter media to that system.  The nitrate and nitrite creating bacteria will do just fine on the pool and tank surfaces that already exist.  Furthermore, continue down the DWC path.  Parts left out cost no money and cause no service problems.  Many AP growers are creating raft beds without foam.  They replace the foam with PVC frames and use corrugated plastic panels for the raft surface.  The air inside the pipe provides the floatation. 

Jon is correct in cautioning you to work on the pH levels now.  Use pool acid to bring your pH down, be sure to go real slow or your bacteria population may be harmed.  I used a 5 gal bucket with an 1/8" hole to meter 4 oz PA mixed in a 5 gal bucket of water into the sump as it was running to dilute the mix.  In hind sight, I wished I had added less pool acid each time.  Remember, we are actually bacteria farmers, not fish and plant farmers, they are just byproducts. 

Congrats on the babies!

all the best,


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