Aquaponic Gardening

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Ready! Set! Go!... ok not so fast. Update on the green house Today had another meeting at the school with several people. Facilities Maintenance, Biology Teacher, Principal and consultant. It was in the high 20's today so we walked out to the poor snow covered greenhouse to discuss what we needed to do to get it up and running.   Well the Maintenance guy named everything it needed (a lot) but I think we can get it up and running in a week or so. I smiled because we both know its going to take a little bit more but he is excited at the idea as I'm.

    We took the meeting back into the warm building and start to discuss what we want for the system. We all know that this is for the educating the kids about how to grow food. Not that we dont want to sell the food we grow we want to do that to just to help pay the cost of everything. The real pay off is what the kids can learn and do with the this knowledge.  Our school is Preschool thru High school 300 plus students from all different backgrounds who attend here to have a Christian Education. We are hoping what they learn here at SpringValley some will teach others during mission trips to help the worlds poor grow food and help live a more self sustainable life.

   Our next part of the project is putting together the business plan so we can  the manual work started.

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Comment by Nick Rizzo on January 30, 2011 at 3:36am
I hope to start working on it next month i will be taking pictures and video to document the progress. We are going to set up internet cams in the green house when its done
Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on January 29, 2011 at 5:46am
This sounds like it is still moving along, Nick, and you have the school's support so that your impression?  What is your time frame for starting to work on the greenhouse?  Thanks for keeping us posted!

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