Aquaponic Gardening

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Here are the photos that I promised in my last blog. They aren't the best unfortunately since I couldn't find the cable for my camera. I had to take these with my phone.


Here is the gigantic spear of asparagus. I know my previous blog stated it was 14 inches tall. This was yesterdays. It is nearly 17 inches tall now!!!

Below are the brussel sprouts. Tiny but I'm sure they'll get bigger in no time.

Here are the baby strawberries that were sick due to what I believe was too high of a pH. It's in check now and they should be getting healthier and bigger.


One tiny lettuce seedling!


This little bugger is my Sarah Palin. It's a rogue seedling that I found in the bottom tray of the nursery where I started my seeds. My suspicion is that it might be a tomato or pablano plant but I'm not sure yet. 


3 more lettuce plants on the left (a 100% germination rate!!!). I can't bring myself to kill 2 of them. Maybe I'll put them in a pot of soil on their own and compare growth rates. To the right is a bell pepper baby. Mmm, I love green bell peppers!



And here are the little poopers. And my reflection!

And here is an overall picture of the plant bed above the aquarium. For the super observant folks out there, that is SNOW in the left corner. It's almost gone though and I get more than plenty sunlight in this window. Hopefully I won't even need to add artificial lighting until old man winter makes his appearance after the summer when the days get shorter again.

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Comment by Aaron on April 12, 2011 at 8:17pm
That could be, Lynx. Either way, I think I like my little rogue baby being named Sara Palin until I can identify what it is for sure.
Comment by TCLynx on April 12, 2011 at 2:22pm
wonder if there might have been a stray seed in a packet?
Comment by Aaron on April 11, 2011 at 6:26pm
Hi Lynx. I'm pretty sure that it's not purlslane. The only seeds I was planting at the time were 2 varieties of peppers, 2 varieties of tomatoes and brusselsprouts. I've been looking at pictures of seedlings on Google for all of them and I'm still not sure what that booger is. Hopefully time will tell.
Comment by TCLynx on April 11, 2011 at 4:35pm
The unidentified seedling is kinda hard to tell but doesn't really look like tomato to me.  If I had to guess what it is just by sight, I might think it was purslane.
Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on April 10, 2011 at 5:06pm
Hey Aaron, you might want to post these under Photos as well...if you haven't already...

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