Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Our living room tanks - our "GreenRoom"

I just started with aquaponics. Building a 200 gallon tank in our living room. It is part of what we are calling our green room. We tore down the outside wall of our house along the living room to combine it with a 6'x12' section of porch that is closed in on the outer side by 2 banked 4'x5 windows side by side, allowing sun in on the gardens above our 2 tanks.I'll post some pictures when it's finished and is up and running. We also have a greenhouse and about 1000 sq. Ft. Of traditional gardens we use to grow most of our food in an inner city setting. P.S. 85% of the greenroom was built with recycled materials from yard sales, crags list, roadside cast offs. And reverse construction of existing elements.

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Comment by TCLynx on October 3, 2011 at 6:08pm

oh yes, the construction pictures are actually the best part.

I love the description of what you are doing so far.

Comment by Mike jordan on October 2, 2011 at 6:34pm
I'll put some up in the next few days. I took a couple this morning but the sun was so bright coming in the windows that you can't see much. Of course I put the windows there to bring in the sun to grow plants so I shouldn't complain
Comment by David Hart on October 2, 2011 at 3:20am

Mike, Oh yeah ! Your addicted ! Some folks just tie giant tanks on top of their cars...but your tearing down walls of your house !  I love it Mike....

Don't wait on the's nice to watch it happen.  I'm looking forward to see what you do....

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