Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello everyone!  First let me thank everyone for sharing so much information in advance. I don't think I'd have an almost running aquaponic system if it wasn't for the info on this site. So lets get to it, what I have...


30 gallon fish tank. (I know its small, but eventually it will be my nursery tank)


12 gallon grow bed


12 gallons of hydroton cleaned


2 air stones




305 gph water pump


big metal shelf to house everything


timer for the water pump.


reverse osmosis H2O


I am gonna run a simple flood and drain system. My aquarium glue should be dry today (been 48 hrs) so I want to add my hydroton to the the tub and start flooding her. Question is how often to flood during the day, and for how long?






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Comment by Claudio J Tracchia on October 1, 2011 at 5:43pm
A flood n drain system have to run constantly, how much water go into the grow bead is a matter of flow and you have to control that with a T cupling and a valve @ the water line comming from the pump back to the tank before the grow bead and use this diverted water for aeration. No need of a timer. hope this help.
Comment by Eric Jensen on September 30, 2011 at 8:59am
This sounds very similar to my system.  Post some pics when you can.

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