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Do  polystyrene grow beds need to float up and down with flood beds or do they stay the same height?

Views: 219


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Comment by Philip Altmann on September 23, 2011 at 8:44pm

Thanks that's helpful.


Comment by TCLynx on September 23, 2011 at 6:51pm
DWC stands for Deep water culture and that is where there is usually a foam raft with holes the plants sit in that floats on the water.  Or some people will cut holes in a board for the plant pots and set it on the top edge of the raft or DWC bed so that it sits above the water and the plant roots hang down into the water rather than the foam board sitting in the water.
Comment by Philip Altmann on September 23, 2011 at 6:37pm

Thanks TCLynx,

What is DCW, not sure!

How is it suspended above the waer/



Comment by TCLynx on September 23, 2011 at 6:33pm

uh? Do you mean the rafts that people use for Raft or DWC aquaponics?  Most people don't actually float the entire grow bed, only the raft supporting the plants.  There is also some DWC where the plant support would be suspended above the water to provide more air to water contact.


Generally the rafts float up and down with the water level but the water level in most raft beds doesn't fluctuate much.

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