Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi all hope you can help me ^_^


I want to start a small business using the aquaponic system in the UAE. Do you know how much will it cost and which method is the best for planting? Basically I want to plant vegetables and breed tilapia fish and sell it too.


Since I can’t find any company in the UAE sells the system I’m going to make my own system; any recommendation ^_^, pros and cons.


Thanks in advance ^_^


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Comment by Carey Ma on June 16, 2012 at 12:28am

There are a few operations in the UAE but I'm not sure how helpful they may be to competitors. I too suggest you get a small system and work with it for a season or two before jumping into a commercial operation, unless you have expert help. There are a few consultants worth their asking price but their systems do cost a bit of money. I would be glad to consult on whole farm projects for those that are interested in truly sustainable food production systems (farms) but not interested in teaching/ setting up AP only systems.


Comment by Greg McCord on June 14, 2012 at 12:32pm
Hi Marwa. Probably the safest way for a new guy who wants to start out right and to garantee you get it right the first time, is to purchase Sylvia Bernstien complete AP system or buy her book to have all the info. You need to get it right the first time. Google aquabundance. Regards, Greg

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