Aquaponic Gardening

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Aquapones in Saudi Arabia is slowly growing

Thank God!


A year after my amazing discovery of this God-sent method of gardening/farming, we are slowly growing.  A week ago I met Khalid, who also lives in Jeddah and who had been doing, or at least attempting to do Aquaponics.   We discussed his challenges and to help him kick-start again the halted project, I gave him a siphon using the Affnan technique. Inshallah, God willing, he will restart again soon, I was also blessed to be given some worms, duckweeds and a grape seedling....

A few days ago, another resident, albeit temporarily not for now, met Alaa, through this community and inshallah he will have the success he deserves doing it while outside, so he can share it on his return here in Saudi Arabia.


I will be meeting the Dean of Agriculture in one of the major universities in Saudi Arabia's capital, Riyadh, having had a few emails with him, to discuss about Aquaponics farming, especially in the major cities.  Providing fresh, organic food to residents of urban areas.  My intention is to convince this distinguised gentlemen, who obviously have influence and power, to promote Aquaponics farming, see its benefits to the people and the environment, even to the economy of this country I consider second home for many years.


May God allow me to have the time, the wisdom and the strength to see my dreams realized, not just for myself, but for other... thank God for Aquaponics and thank God for people like Murray, Sylvia, Affnan etc.  for sharing their knowledge unselfishly, for devoting time, effort and resources in promoting teaching other to raise fish and plants... may God richly bless you.. and inshallah, I dream of meeting you in person, in this lifetime... :)

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Comment by Yusuf Mario Germino on February 1, 2012 at 11:25pm

inshallah i am going back to the philippines for a short vacation, will set up small systems for my home, my other 2 sisters.. and a friend who has been asking me for a long time... so i hope in my own little way, we can empower others to Grow their own FOOD!

Comment by Alaa S on February 1, 2012 at 2:07pm

Keep up the good work and it's really pleasure to know u man 

can't wait for your next AP updates 

Comment by Sahib Punjabi on January 31, 2012 at 6:14am

Keep doing the excellent work...:-)

God bless

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