Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I have finally got around to start to work building my AP system. I bought two 55 gal barrels and eight 275 gal IBC totes a few weeks ago and then the weather got cold and wet- progress stalled. At least we have had a few days

The system I now plan to build is quite a bit different than the one I originally planned. That is due to the help and advice of some of the people here.. Thank you.

I will buy the piping itself at one of the big box stores, but I can save a bundle by buying the fittings online.

Today I will begin cutting the IBC's.

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Comment by Pat James on May 14, 2013 at 12:56pm
The nitrites are on their way down....between .5 and 1ppm. Ammonia was 0, so I gave a full feeding at dusk yesterday. I was surprised to see a fair amount unbeaten food floating a few hours later. I am not sure how many of my channel cats survive, but I did not see any feeding.

I did make a few modifications to my 2 barrel bio filters. I put a double sheet of polyester batting from a fabric shop into the top pan of each. I find they will plug within a day and have to be rinsed out.

I had to go to work early today and will have a late case, so I may not get a chance to rinse the batting today. Watèr will just overflow that top pan until I get to it.
Comment by Pat James on May 11, 2013 at 8:29am
No... I dropped the PVC pieces with the eggs into those beds to see if they would hatch.

I really wasn't expecting much.
Comment by Jim Fisk on May 11, 2013 at 6:26am

So the minnows went through the pump and didn't become mincemeat?

Comment by Jon Parr on May 10, 2013 at 8:07pm
Nice job on the minnows!
Comment by Pat James on May 10, 2013 at 10:46am
Nope.. :D I've been thinking about teaching a couple of mine how to swim if they don't quit fighting

one bit of good news. I have minnow fry in 3 of my grow beds. They are between 1/4 and 3/8 of an inch long.
Comment by Jim Fisk on May 10, 2013 at 9:27am

Was that cat white and orange? Ours is missing and he loves fish:

Comment by Pat James on May 10, 2013 at 7:52am
Just when I thought I had my plumbing issues resolved, One of my older pipes sprung a leak. I must have put pressure on it. I will be buying both cement and some sealant when I get off work today.

Nitrite is still high and I had 2 dead cats in the skimmer yesterday. Also 3 or 4 minnows. I know the fish are stressed but I'm hoping the second 40 pound bag of salt I added will help.
Comment by Jim Fisk on May 8, 2013 at 6:42am

Hi Pat, Yeah I found out myself that pics you post to a thread don't wind up in your profile page. When you think about it it makes sense or there would be so many dupes. So post the best to your page as well.

You do of course know not to use table salt with Iodine. A bag of plain softener salt from Lowes or such will go a long ways.

Takes a while to feel confident that the system will not blow up as soon as you leave the driveway does it not?

Comment by Pat James on May 7, 2013 at 6:57pm
I had a near catastrophe.. My FT (pool) filter sprung a leak. Not the filter itself but the valve that directs water flow. Anyway, gallons of water was spewing out. No choice but to shut the flow down. I Put a small fountain pump in the shallow end to at least oxygenate the water some.

Today, I bought some gaskets to get the system back online. Still a few problems with some leakage, but I am back to filtering...

Tested my nitrite and it was higher than before... In the dusk light, it looked like 5 ppm instead of 2 like yesterday. Another day without feeding and I added some salt yesterday and today to mitigate fish gill damage. Not enough salt for my system, but it was all I had on hand...
Comment by Pat James on May 2, 2013 at 4:36pm

I dont know. I didn't think I took any of them down. Unless they are embedded in the blog itself. I'll be taking some as I go. Still trying to get caught up on all the work and figure how to post a video using my Ipad. I have started a batch of new seedlings that are getting close to transplanting.

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