Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Karen Matus's Blog (4)

Demo system on trial run- gotta work out the kinks

Okay... I got the demo system on a trial run.   One problem I am having is that I have some leaks... I've tried twice to fix the with aquarium cement, but still an issue, as there's an area of my grow bed that cracked.   It's a fairly small leak though, and I think I can work with it.   The bigger problem is that I can't get my bell to siphon.   Not sure what I did wrong.    Gotta fiddle around with it some more.    Our 4H gardening clinic is less than a month away now, and I'm getting a…


Added by Karen Matus on February 27, 2013 at 2:13pm — 4 Comments

New plans - a demo for 4H

Well, I was asked by my kid's 4H club to help them do an exhibit on aquaponics.    So I am drafting some new plans for a small demo system, and I'll have the kids make posters with information about aquaponics.    A friend of mine (Allison) shared with me a picture of a small start up system, and I'm thinking of doing something on this order.…


Added by Karen Matus on January 16, 2013 at 7:10am — 14 Comments

Sharing the vision

Got the chance to talk with my Dad today about my aquaponics project, and what design I'm hoping to try for my first set up.   Though he's retired now, I like picking his brain on the plumbing/piping aspect of how I might try this, and what ideas work well vs. what might not work so well.    He seemed interested enough to hear me out and ask me some good questions, and seemed to follow what I was saying quite easily.   So I'm excited about that.   My parents are the ones who taught me how to… Continue

Added by Karen Matus on April 2, 2011 at 10:11pm — No Comments

It starts

I am just now begining in aquaponics.   I was intrigued after coming across the idea by accident on the internet (couldn't tell you exactly where on the net).   I've been both a gardener and into aquariums for a good part of my life, and I haven't been this excited about a hobby for quite some time, so I think this is good for me to try!   Also, as a former school teacher and present parent, I think this is an awesome way to learn about ecosystems and the balance it needs to have to work. …


Added by Karen Matus on March 29, 2011 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

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