Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

James J. Godsil's Blog (5)

Sylvia Was Superb in Today's Presentation at Sweet Water

About 50 people listened intently and were greatly informed and inspired by Sylvia's presentation connecting education, community, and inspiration in aquaponics at the Sweet Water Winter Workshop One in Milwaukee today.  I took careful notes which I will share and draw upon for quite a while, but must return now to the Packer Chicago football game.

Added by James J. Godsil on January 23, 2011 at 3:19pm — 3 Comments

Culture Wagons/Small Is Beautiful Architecture Even Better If Aquaponics Enhanced

If you think this a good idea, please send me an e-mail to that I can bundle and forward to the architect and culture wagon people whose work is featured here. 



Added by James J. Godsil on January 19, 2011 at 2:14pm — No Comments

Tulip Buildng of Sweet Water a Showroom for Your Aquaponics Miniatures?

Dear All,


I would very much enjoy doing my best to introduce miniatures like Sylvia and others in this community have developed at an Aquaponics Miniature Show Room in the Great Hall of the Tulip Biulding at Sweet Water.


There are probably about 100 visitors per week to Sweet Water these days and I suspect the numbers will keep climbing,

especially since we've signed on with the City of Milwaukee to accelerate an eco-tourism project.  There is a highly…


Added by James J. Godsil on January 16, 2011 at 8:38am — 3 Comments

"Sweet Water Aquaponic System time shares?"

Sweet Water has seven 10,000 gallon fish tanks and plant platforms above ready to offer thoughtful people training in their tending and short term or long term leasing: families, schools, spiritual communities, restaurants, scientist, artists, associations, businesses, etc. Ready to brainstorming this concept.

Added by James J. Godsil on January 16, 2011 at 6:37am — 9 Comments

Aquaponics as a Business, Way of Life, and Planetary Social Movement

Dear All,


I call myself "Olde" because I can now glory in my medicare card, but also because I cannot deny experiencing a very subtle slowing down of my mindbody.  I usually need a "younge" to help me navigate incredible communication resources like this on-line community and forum for aquaponic gardeners.  But I am so excited about discovering "Aquaponic Gardening" that I'm throwing caution to the wind and hoping this blog post is not just a conversation with…


Added by James J. Godsil on January 5, 2011 at 6:00am — 14 Comments

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