Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

ok, finally getting some pics up, of my system...these are from last week, still working on getting to look presentable! Fish tanks in the rear will be covered w/ insulation and some type of lattice and things will be neatened up further. It will look much nicer when things get growing more!

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Comment by AlbertF on October 3, 2010 at 1:44pm
nice! so like a CSA then? can i ask how much you'll charge?
Comment by Michelle Silva on October 3, 2010 at 1:05pm
I run a buying club and will eventually be providing from my farm.
Comment by Michelle Silva on October 3, 2010 at 1:04pm looks a bit better then this now..have to get better pics up!
Comment by AlbertF on October 3, 2010 at 12:15pm
that is an impressive farm you got going there =)
Comment by Michelle Silva on October 1, 2010 at 11:07am
Two Jay, still have to get the second double row hooked up, but will be, the first is getting fed by the AP system, and will be eventually returning as well..
still filling all the other holes in rafts and the vertical post.. so won't be finished being hooked up with the second probably until next week.
@ Steve..thanks. it is on a timer, 3x a day for 3 minutes..water is not being returned yet,it really does seem like minimal water is coming out...I have a sump that will return the water to the raft tank..the one vertical trough will drain into the other..finishing setting it up..
My original idea was to grow sprouts under teh raised bottom vertical pots (in nursery trays and burlap I got from a local roaster) but not sure now if that is going to work.The sprouts can't really be out in the sun right away, and not sure if the burlap would hold enough moisture in between watering!! Bummer, have to figure something else out.. If I have to water the sprout trays for days b/4 going in the sun it defeats the purpose,and if I have to add more medium to the trays to hold moisture, makes if more work and expense.
Comment by Steve on October 1, 2010 at 10:56am
Cool system!! I was toying around with using the vertigro type pots in an AP system. How is it all piped together? Are you running this constantly, or cycling with a timer? Is water returned to the fish tanks from the verticle grow stacks, I know vertigro systems just loose the drippage from the bottom pot (or at least they did a few years ago)
4 tanks is what your feeding this with? What kind of fish densities?
Sorry for the zillion questions, but this looks perfect for putting in the greenhouse we have under construction


PS, I was at the Vertigro facility on 441 right after the hurricanes in '04, outside of a couple of things blown ,about their systems were all looking good and running fine with no damage
Comment by Two Jay on September 28, 2010 at 7:13am
Michelle, Are the stacked pots hooked up to your AP system?
Comment by Michelle Silva on September 27, 2010 at 6:36pm
Sahib, Thanks for the info and the clarification. I have done a lot of research but still have much to learn as well! : )
Comment by Sahib Punjabi on September 27, 2010 at 5:42pm
Hey Michelle,

You have a fabulous AQ setup and I was not questioning your use or choice of container.

Please note, I did not intend to offend you in any manner, only share my limited experience. While I read that you had a good amount or Organic gardening experience and that you do thoroughly research the products / processes, I am just a novice. I think that you will agree that there are many approaches in AQ and no one way is necessarily definitive. I was in the market for something more sturdy and one that perhaps offered me greater stability as well possibly an increase in the number of grow holes. So please do not be offended. I love reading your posts so please continue to share.

As to the cost, they are far more expensive than Vertigro. As to whether they are worth the extra, only time and research will tell. I am sharing the link for you reference :
Comment by TCLynx on September 27, 2010 at 5:34pm
I'm finding that the more I read about other ways of doing things, the more I'm open to "other ways". I may still think my way is better for ME but that doesn't mean another way won't be better for some one else. Please share, what works for you and what you find doesn't work too, it is all a learning experience.

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