Aquaponic Gardening

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ok, finally getting some pics up, of my system...these are from last week, still working on getting to look presentable! Fish tanks in the rear will be covered w/ insulation and some type of lattice and things will be neatened up further. It will look much nicer when things get growing more!

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Comment by TCLynx on January 19, 2011 at 2:10pm
As long as you can laugh, ya can take it as a learning experience.
Comment by Michelle Silva on January 19, 2011 at 12:35pm
It's not really dug down much...I had someone come in with a backhoe to sort of level it off a bit..then went in and slope it manually a bit so the two outer ranks slope away and then overspill into middle and slopes down the other way towards the fish tanks (4 IBC totes). It's bermed up with soil on both sides of the concrete block. Plus the liner had a pocket, so I slipped two very long pieces of rebar along one of the outside walls. It seems to be holding up OK, but I did have a collapsed wall back in the begininng, it had been raining for days, we were in the process of laying electric wire and had dug out along the outside raft tanks and there was no support, so about 6-8' of the wall collapsed. I had many stories like that to tell with my system, have to just laugh.
Comment by AlbertF on January 19, 2011 at 12:07pm
i was considering using ferrocrete to make a large fish pond. how far down is yours dug in? from what ive learned, anything over 24" above ground has to be reinforced.
Comment by TCLynx on January 19, 2011 at 11:54am

I will be the first to recommend against using wood in proximity to liner here in Florida, even treated wood.  All my lumber/liner grow beds have experienced leaking and I know that most the leaks can be blamed on termites.


I am still using liner in other situations but not against wood.  It seems the termites don't realize they have left the wood until they have chewed through the liner and I used heavy duty EPDM liner.  Where I am still using liner, I am supporting it with metal or other non wood supports.

Comment by Michelle Silva on January 19, 2011 at 11:34am
We did put rebar in some spots,but I don't think it was a whole lot , if I remember correctly, we put it only on the outside walls and may have been every three or four apart, not sure..Thanks, it was kind of a lot of work to set up this way, not sure I would do it again like this. I like the idea of using wood, maybe on some supports to lift it higher. The fish tanks are also now level with each other and have spray bars into each one i/o stair step effect.
Comment by Ryan Chatterson on January 19, 2011 at 7:12am
Just wondering, did you reinforce the cinder blocks with Rebar? If so how far apart did you space them? Love the set up. :)
Comment by Michelle Silva on January 19, 2011 at 6:21am
yes, the vertical stacks are hooked up to the AP system,water recirculates back
Comment by Michelle Silva on January 19, 2011 at 6:20am
@Adam, lol,not a swimming pool,made it out of cinder block.. yes,it's for DWC
Comment by Adam Shivers on January 18, 2011 at 11:48pm
wow is that a swimming pool? -for deep water culture?
Comment by Michelle Silva on October 3, 2010 at 3:53pm
Yes..I've been running it for 6 years. I charge $25 a week...payments are made in 6 week blocks($150).

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