Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Austin Aquaponics


Austin Aquaponics

If you are in the Austin Tx area and would like to keep in touch with other aquapons, this is the place.

Location: Austin Texas
Members: 37
Latest Activity: Feb 6, 2017

Howdy Folks

Welcome to the group, Austin is quickly becoming known as the Aquaponic Hub of the South.

If you would like to join a meetup group to build a system, tour a farm or attend a hands on workshop, please visit the site for more detail and to RSVP.

Discussion Forum

HannaLeigh Farm expansion

Started by Rob Nash. Last reply by Ruben Villarreal Jan 26, 2013. 1 Reply

Our little aquaponic farm is growing!     As more people and restaurants are looking for local organic produce, our phone is ringing and the emails are coming in, to the point we cant keep up. So with all that pent up demand, we decided to make the…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by Rob Nash on April 20, 2012 at 5:43am

Bryan, i think the consensus is that its not worth the trouble to grow duck weed...

too much space... not enough food, etc.

...but i think you can still get some from Hill Country Water Gardens in Leander.

Comment by Bryan Acred on April 18, 2012 at 7:58pm

Does anybody know where I could pick-up some duckweed locally? thanks.

Comment by Roger on April 15, 2012 at 7:16am

Just found the site yesterday, when I was looking for a place to buy tilapia.  Can order 25 minimum (Hawawii Gold ) from Missouri, but the $100 cost made my wife insist that I not start another project.  She is right, but I need to get control of the algee.  Glad to find a local group.

Comment by Rob Nash on April 5, 2012 at 6:54am

Look for Austin Aquaponics at the Brite Ideas demo greenhouse at the Sustaincenter’s grand opening on April 28. we will be building an AP system and offering intro to ap workshops. We will also be signing up new members to the Austin branch of the AP Association, let me know if your interested. your membership fee is discounted from the cost to attend the annual conference... this year is shaping up to be an awesome event, you dont want to miss it! 

Comment by Rob Nash on April 5, 2012 at 6:46am

getting close to moving the growbeds and fish tanks, if anyone is interested in helping out let me know. email me -    rob @

Comment by Rob Nash on April 5, 2012 at 6:44am

talk about weed wars... has anyone else noticed the out of control weeds this year?

and the bugs... snails, and slugs.

Comment by Pat Chesney on February 20, 2012 at 4:58pm


One good thing to do is to find fish that thrive in your climate. Catfish and bluegill survive the Texas summer and winter. They are acclimated to our weird weather.

Carp is another very hardy fish. Koi is the name of the fancy carp (Japanese for carp). I put goldfish in my first system as starter fish and they are outliving everything else. 

I am changing to bluegill because I am working on a sustainable system that will not need heating. I don't want to raise catfish. (They have the best feed/weight ratio, by the way) Laredo is plenty hot in the summer, but if the water hits 55 even once during the winter, your tilapia will all die. That is why only the Mozambique tilapia is legal in Texas. They can't stand cold water.

Comment by Mike on February 20, 2012 at 1:57pm
Yes Laredo is hot , the summer is extreme hot, but my goal are the vegetibles fish is just the fuel for the system
Comment by Rob Nash on February 17, 2012 at 6:02pm

im sure it did, its called Texas Pink, i ordered mine from BedRock Stone, it was around $29 / yard. order it at 5/8 to 3/4"

Pat Pls use my rob% email for faster reply.
Comment by Pat Chesney on February 17, 2012 at 8:36am

Hi Rob,

Did your granite come from Marble Falls? I am looking for some. To get to Waco is big $$$$ just in trucking. I am going to co-op with some other aquapons to get a 24 yard truck load to get the price per yard down some. We were quoted from Marble Falls.

I am eating lettuce and strawberries. Lots growing. Had a major spike when I brought my new grow bed online and lost a lot of fish. I still have the male and one female I brought from you. I am moving to bluegill for temperature reasons. I would like to bring some friends to your setup soon. Let me know if you are ok with that. See you later. 


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