Aquaponic Gardening

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So, a highjacked water catchment thread here

spawned a discussion of Colloidal Silver, and quite rare and hard to believe, I have no strong opinion for nor against. 

Convince me, please.

On the Nay front, medical science says that silver is not needed in diet, ineffective at treating ailments or preventing, and quite possibly may be toxic.

On the Yay front, many health nuts I know swear by it's benefit.

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Jim, I am on your side about mainstream medicine intentionally keeping the masses with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. And I mean no offense by the pics, but it does appear that this man, the one Bob Campbell cited, did get his blue skin from colloidal silver, and apparently it has lightened! He does appear happy, though, and not feeling blue at all...

I was trying to find a pic that wasn't photoshopped, but they all appear to have been doctored, and only a few faces keep recurring on the image search. More about this fellow here:

How much CS do you take, how often, and how does the CS kill pathogens without harming beneficials? 

I cannot envision a scenario where silver does not have some effect on beneficial bacteria as well as pathogens. EXCEPT if say the majority of pathogens are gram negative and that type of bacteria tends to be sensitive to silver as well. while gram positive bacteria might not be as sensitive and comprise the majority of the beneficial bugs.   NOW I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS THE CASE.. I AM OFFERING THIS AS A MODEL FOR WHY...

For the most part I can see how silver could be very effective when any given antibiotic might not work. And that is simply that antibiotics are over-used. That allows resistant types to evolve. Silver is not used by the masses so any bug you might encounter might be sensitive to it.

Silver is still used in topical treatments and wound dressings and is especially useful in dealing with antibiotic resistant strains such as

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

But just as with H2O2, I would not be inclined to believe claims of "cure all that ails you" type products.  Like Pat says, if it is really effective at killing bad bacteria, it is also going to be good at killing good bacteria too.

I wouldn't recommend drinking down the whole bottle of something like that even if wasn't likely to turn some one blue. Well, this seemed like a definitive answer. My personal opinion (which is worth as much as two pieces of...) is that if it's not needed in the body, and there's no known ways of using it, then DON'T use it. I might ask my Aunt (who's an herbalist) about what she knows. The Mayo Clinic answer came from a knowledgeable source, and from someone without a conflict of interest (such as manufacturing the product). I honestly find the substance odd as medicine. It's apparently a cure all, which I am, naturally, deeply skeptical. To keep it short, I am skeptical until it has a proven medical value. 

As for it being an antibiotic, antibiotics are just plain dangerous--like anti-bacterial soap--and your doctor should be prescribing the amount and type that is best for you. 

Also, the pharmaceutical companies are drug-pushers (trust me, I've dealt with that), but they do not withhold information, unless it's patented. Alright, that's enough of my rantings. 

OMG, I guess I started something as usual. Bad habit. Good place for this thread though.

I get so tired of the same old BS (no offense as it is not your fault any more than the incredible ignorance of most doctors who simply regurgitate what the were taught in their big pharma supported med schools) that once again I know not where to start but I will at least give you a jumping off place (very hard to address 30-40 yrs of reasearch into an AP thread:-)) so here goes: (Me a skeptic of big $$$$, never)

This is just like the fluoride BS that is very simply $$$$$$$$$$ driven. I did my research starting over 30 years ago on both these topics and many others and I am very confident with where I have landed on these and so many other topics like say arthritis, another big pharma med school lie that I saw thru also about 40 years ago and set out to cure my own debilitating joint disease (I got to watch my Mother die of it listening to the MDs) and succeeded quite well. My joints are far healthier today at 65 than they were in my 20s thru 40s. Main thing to research (why take my layman's advice when the doctors are so well trained after all) there is "digestive enzymes". Heard that from your trusted MD lately? That changed my life as well.

OK back on topic: go read "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Doc. Wallach and educate yourself on these and many other health related lies.

Did you know that only something like 30% of MDs are members of the AMA and that there are real doctors out there that WILL tell you the truth? Try looking up Doc Whitaker for a prime example and subscribe to his news letter. These are 2 examples of my medical heroes and a great start for anyone seeking the truth. (BTW Wallach is a vet, omg.)

I could spend hours doing research and posting the links here but you guys are every bit as smart and capable of doing the same for yourselves as I am. I will tell you that some of my life changing research has disappeared over the years like the eye opening article in Prevention Mag in the 70's that called Arthritis "the cooked food disease" but I had to put 2&2 together to come up with digestive enzymes which are what is destroyed in our food through cooking. I tried at first to live on raw food but need I say more. Since then in Europe, enzyme therapy is #1 for inflammation related diseases. Get the connection? I did but I was already doing it. When I contacted Prevention to include that article in one of my blogs telling of my struggle and victory on the subject they had the gall to tell me that they don't believe in keeping old articles like that around as they are into "new alt med". Give me a break. Dropped my subscription that day. After Rodale Senior and Jr. both died (my Dad knew them both very well and Jr died in a very suspicious accident in Russia) that mag went plumb to Hell.

Back on topic: CS is not like any other "antibiotic" and until you understand that and how it works you will never understand cs. Pathogens DO NOT BECOME IMMUNE TO IT any more than nematodes become immune to certain bacteria and NO it is NOT like any other antibiotic. Please Google it and learn. Sift out the deliberate misinformation out there and learn the truth. I am living proof of it's effectiveness so start with that in mind. It took I believe NASA to introduce cs into the water filter market and now it has become the norm. If I have started you thinking about it I have done my job (whatever that is)

Happy New Year guys Oh, and just wait till you see what Agenda 21 tries to do to outlaw AP as "A Health Risk". Perhaps then you will start to "get it" Already happened at our high school.

BTW, I never said cs was a cure all. Those are your words. I wish staying healthy were as simplistic as that. It is not. I do any number of things to stay looking and acting 55 at age 65. I just am not into pushing anything not even on my wife:-) "You can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think" Got that from my Dad, God bless him. And NO, that is not a reference to my wife:-)

^First Paragraph: conspiracy, second....

And ignorance is bliss....

Eric Warwick said:

^First Paragraph: conspiracy, second....

This Smurf must be a real brainiac. Can you imagine how much silver (not cs) you would have to ingest to do that? What was his first clue to stop doing what ever the hell he was doing? I truly wanted to post some Smurf pics but our forum might be shut down over the new internet copyright infringement laws.

I have been taking cs for 20 yrs and religiously every day for 12 and my daughter takes more than I do to control health issues I won't get into and guess what, we are still as white as the driven snow, so to speak. I started out doing the typical dumb ass thing of taking it after I was sick like a drug, until the light came on and I treated it like the preventative that it is. Do you really need a pic of us to prove it? Doctors for years made a compound by grinding up the silver and that is what resulted in such disasters. Apparently they don't know what a colloid is. Mother nature does.

Jon Parr said:

Jim, I am on your side about mainstream medicine intentionally keeping the masses with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. And I mean no offense by the pics, but it does appear that this man, the one Bob Campbell cited, did get his blue skin from colloidal silver, and apparently it has lightened! He does appear happy, though, and not feeling blue at all...

I was trying to find a pic that wasn't photoshopped, but they all appear to have been doctored, and only a few faces keep recurring on the image search. More about this fellow here:

How much CS do you take, how often, and how does the CS kill pathogens without harming beneficials? 

Jim, I agree that big business if allowed to get away with it will always what is beneficial to it regardless of the harm it produces.

One thing you also have to realize is that no doctor is going to recommend 'off-label' use of a product. That is one reason that they as a group do not go with holistic medicine. The reason is simple- LAWYERS and stupid juries that allow those lawers to get rich...

I was recently made aware of the history of one of the biggest atrocities of recent time. Google the combination of Bayer (the aspirin company) and holocaust or Aucshwitcz (sp) and then follow the links and threads of the people involved and how it progressed. Before reading that, I had always thought the Nuremberg war crime trials were for the German military...

As dark as he is, I thought it was a black man with bluish skin!!!!

Jim Fisk said:

This Smurf must be a real brainiac. Can you imagine how much silver (not cs) you would have to ingest to do that? What was his first clue to stop doing what ever the hell he was doing? I truly wanted to post some Smurf pics but our forum might be shut down over the new internet copyright infringement laws.

I have been taking cs for 20 yrs and religiously every day for 12 and my daughter takes more than I do to control health issues I won't get into and guess what, we are still as white as the driven snow, so to speak. I started out doing the typical dumb ass thing of taking it after I was sick like a drug, until the light came on and I treated it like the preventative that it is. Do you really need a pic of us to prove it? Doctors for years made a compound by grinding up the silver and that is what resulted in such disasters. Apparently they don't know what a colloid is. Mother nature does.

Jon Parr said:

Jim, I am on your side about mainstream medicine intentionally keeping the masses with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. And I mean no offense by the pics, but it does appear that this man, the one Bob Campbell cited, did get his blue skin from colloidal silver, and apparently it has lightened! He does appear happy, though, and not feeling blue at all...

I was trying to find a pic that wasn't photoshopped, but they all appear to have been doctored, and only a few faces keep recurring on the image search. More about this fellow here:

How much CS do you take, how often, and how does the CS kill pathogens without harming beneficials? 

I appreciate the input, Jim. And I apologize for the pics of the giant smurf-men. I found it humorous, and not at all an indication of dis-belief that silver may be advantageous to our health. I am absolutely certain that the controlling powers cover truths in order to maintain control over the masses. OIL, it's source, it's hideous misuse and the burying of efficient technology and alternatives is the worst joke on humanity that can be fathomed. Once I learned the truth about energy and the world's involvement in it, then every other conspiracy theory becomes plausible.

It is odd that medical science is so unanimously against the use of use of silver, and SO SO many people swear by it. Other than the nutso freaks that take it in quantities to turn blue, there seams to be no downside, and an awful lot of testimony in favor of it. 

Jim, have you seriously not been sick since you began taking CS? I have been sick damned near constantly the last several months. I'm sick right now, and I just got over a particular nasty flu only a month ago. Come to think of it, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. My own personal health seems to be directly influenced by my stress levels, and it's been stressful lately to say the least. The only time in my life I recall not being sick was from age 19-22, when I surfed virtually every day. I'm certain that salt water does wonders, and the exercise, sun, sand, and laughs don't hurt.

Eric, you are scientific and mathematical, and thanks for the input. And I agree with most stuff the Mayo Clinic publishes. But in this case, I'm more interested in what CS users experience than what the AMA says should or shouldn't be the case.

So Jim, enlighten us about the differences between the CS silver properly made and the stuff called CS silver that is improperly made?  How are they made and how do they work in the body to provide the beneficial effects or instead turn tissues blue.

Jim Fisk said:

This Smurf must be a real brainiac. Can you imagine how much silver (not cs) you would have to ingest to do that? What was his first clue to stop doing what ever the hell he was doing? I truly wanted to post some


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