Aquaponic Gardening

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Florida Aquaponics


Florida Aquaponics

Lets make the "fishing capital of the world" the Aquaponics capital. Invite every florida aquaponics farmer you know to this list

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Latest Activity: Feb 12, 2018

Discussion Forum

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Started by Melissa O'Callaghan-Weber. Last reply by Jorge G. Nov 6, 2015. 17 Replies

Hello I'm new to tilapia farming. I just bought a 10 acre farm in punta gorda with 16 large ponds. I need to find a good test kit and fingerlings to start stocking. Anyone know where to get a good…Continue

south florida farmers unite (or at least put yourself on the member map)

Started by chuck. Last reply by Michael Welber Oct 9, 2015. 18 Replies

i realy feel like i am on my own down here. i have a decent set up and know of a few people who are trying to get started. but we realy need to pull together and act like a comunity or we never will…Continue

Looking for fingerlings way down south

Started by JRComito. Last reply by JRComito May 2, 2015. 14 Replies

Hi all,I am looking to buy some fingerlings. I have tried contacting three different fisheries with no luck, as well as mail order. I'm sure the problem is the small amount I want(50-100). I only…Continue

The Central Florida Great Aquaponics Tour

Started by M Cosmo. Last reply by Jeff S Nov 7, 2014. 75 Replies

So It is the slow season for growing in florida. How about planing a one day tour to a few of our sites in Central Florida. We could go to Morningstar, my place and some others in the general central…Continue

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Comment by TCLynx on December 22, 2012 at 7:47am

Everyone ready for the cold tonight?

Comment by TCLynx on November 12, 2012 at 5:39pm

Just make sure the IBC's and barrels didn't have anything that would be bad to put in your food or your fish tank.  Herbicides, pesticides, toxic chemicals, soaps or oils all pose issues.

Comment by Steve Bradbury on November 12, 2012 at 2:06pm

Was just looking thru our local Craigslist here in G-ville and found an ad that may be helpful for those in the northeast/north central area of FL- IBC 275 gallon totes for $50, and blue plastic 55 gallon drums for $7 each..this is the cheapest Ive seen these in a long time-Ad placer is up in Jacksonville

Comment by Stephen Corbett on October 13, 2012 at 6:14am

I have had good results with DE on fire ants. I dump a cup or two on top of the pile and stir it in. Come back in 15 to 30 minutes and do it again. It takes a couple of weeks to a month for them to come back. It's not perfect or fool proof but for me it beats putting insecticides out. If I keep at a certain pile they will eventually move on.  I've not had any  success with applying it to plants and we have tried. What has been successful is about a tablespoon of Dr Bronners castille soap in about a quart of water and spray the bugs with it. We also just grab the stink bugs and put them in a jar or toss them in the fish tank.

Comment by George Johnson on October 12, 2012 at 11:49pm
TCLynx, I have heard but not tried chalk. Ants won't cross a chalk line. Give that a try. Try to pin some in a chalk circle to see what happens. Let me know. I am in Kissimmee but drive a truck so can't get started until an investment matures so I can retire.
Comment by TCLynx on October 12, 2012 at 5:27am

George, have you had much actual luck doing that against stink bugs and other related pests?

I've tried DE against ants but ants are really tough and if they can get moisture fairly close DE doesn't seem to kill them fast enough.

Be sure to wear a dust mask when dusting with DE.

Comment by George Johnson on October 11, 2012 at 9:58pm
Try dusting with diatomaceous earth. Use food grade only. Acts like shards of glass to them. Shreds open their exoskeletons and they dehydrate to death. Won't hurt fish or you. All natural. Dampen down the plants so it will stick.
Comment by Ned Berndt on October 11, 2012 at 7:38am


Now you've really done it!!!  Look out for the catfish/stink bug farts!!!

Comment by John E Windsor on October 10, 2012 at 5:40pm

I just went out to the garden and that bug was still sitting in the same spot. The catfish welcomed it into the FT.

Thanks once again.

Comment by TCLynx on October 10, 2012 at 5:27pm

Stink bugs (related to leaf footed bugs and squash bugs) are not your friend.  They pierce and suck juices from the plants.  Unfortunately they are hard to kill and make your fingers stink if you can catch them.

neem can keep the nymphs from maturing properly but you have to be careful with neem oil since any oil is bad to get into your aquaponic water and neem may also be bad for bees so don't spray when bees are active and take steps to make sure it doesn't drip or drift into the AP water.

Instead of spraying against them, I've taken the battery powered dust buster out and tried to suck them up before.


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