Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

This is a message sent out by Victoria that I thought would be far easier for people to answer in a discussion form since the messages to the group don't really give a way to reply.

I live in Orlando and have an area between my house and my fence that is 7' by 16' that I can dedicate to an Aquaponics garden. It is on the west side of the house and does not get morning sun. Is that a problem? It does get sun from noon on.
I also have an area inside my pool enclosure that is comfortable 8' by 7' and is on the east side of my house. I thought about putting the fish tank inside the screen room one growbed and then running a pvc pipe outside the screenroom for another bed for plants that need to be pollinated.
Am I going to need to shade these plants in the heat of the summer?
Any Thoughts are appreciated.

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Morning sun is usually considered to be best but if the location gets at least 4-6 hours of full sun in winter and more in summer, then that should be plenty to grow most things.

Depending on the type of plants and the intensity of the sun in the location, some shade cloth over the grow beds is a good idea at least for the summer. The fish tank should be mostly very well shaded or covered.

I would say having the fish tank in the screen room might be handy to help keep things like leaves out of the tank and protect your fish from critters as well as being more secure (tanks not in a secure location should have a lid that can keep small children from harm.)
Shade can be an easy hoop house. I just put one up last week for the winter. 20" lengths of PVC ($3.50 at lowes) placed two feet apart and bent over the entire assembly (anchor with a 18" piece of rebar.). Then you just cover it with shade cloth (even better is aluminet from Vertigro) or sheets of 4-mil plastic in the winter to create a greenhouse.
Well, I already responded to her questions, by posting on 'her page'.....that's pretty easy. Your right does seem odd, that it doesn't give us a better way...?

I was going to copy what I wrote on her page....and re-post here. Sorry I can't. If I go to anyones page, including my own.....all I see is.....


Maybe someone can do it for me ....?
Site was acting a little flakey to me earlier too. might just be a glitch?
Re-posted comment by David on Victoria's page

Hi Victoria, If you and your husband haven't raised veggies in FL before....I recomend getting a book called "Month-by-Month Gardening In Florida" It can be ordered on-line, Home depot carries it too. Fl can be a tuff place to garden.Understanding that we have 2 growing seasons, that a great help, in being succesful.
Then toss in all the stuff one has to learn for can be discouraging at times...hang in there if it does. You can get lots of help here !
The west side of your place will be great for the winter garden....even with shade cloth, it may/will be too hot in the summer. It just gets too hot for most things in the hotest time of the year. There is a disscusion of summer plants in the FL group.
Good luck :-)
I'm learning some of the handy plants to grow in summer here in Florida.

Yardlong beans are good and if you have the space for the vines to climb and spread out, jicama needs a really long season but they take up loads of space.

Okra and sweet potatoes are good for summer and will both grow in aquaponics (beware the sweet potatoes though as they can get a bit invasive and take over a grow bed.)

Peppers can power on all through summer and I've heard eggplant will too though I've never grown it.

Now I don't think this will work in gravel nor have I tried it in Aquaponics at all but peanuts are a good summer crop for Florida.
I mentioned it to Sylvia about a month ago....she thought it might be my computer.
I'm not having a problem, anywhere else with the computer. My flying club uses Ning also...I have no problem there.(?)

It started, after I sent a message to someone ( about a month ago)....maybe I dragged my mouse as I was clicking to send...or double clicked, or something...???
Have you made a point of cleaning your cash on your browser?
What browser do you use? And have you made sure your firewall/security software is allowing this site? Could have changed when the URL changed.
I'm not sure about that stuff TC. I have a clean up program that I run once a day. It removes temporary files and lots of other stuff.
I've had my computer guy check it out....I think he's still scratching his head. He didn't think it was the firewall/security, since I have no problem signing in and I recieve notices (from the site) when somone makes a post.

The odd part is, it 'only' effects the comments on the 'wall'...?
I can live with it.

I noticed you copied and pasted for me...Thanks TC.
Oh, here's another oddity. When I'm on 'my page' ....on the 'wall'....if I click on edit, then hit save.....then, I can read what people have written (?)

Victoria sent me 2 comments....hope she doesn't mind, I'm re-posting them here....

Hi David,
Yes I know that Florida is a touch place to have a garden. It is so hot and the soil is sandy. That's why I was hoping that Aquaponics would be easier here since no soil is needed. Thanks for the recommendation on the book. It would be good to know what to grow and when to grow it. :D I am also wondering if pests are a problem

I have another option. I have a glassed-in porch that is under AC. I was thinking about putting part of the system on that porch and part outside along with the fish tank. I wonder how things would grow on the porch. The porch gets sun and it would be more climate controlled. I am also concerned about the few days we get freezing temps in the winter.
The glassed in porch might be a way to manage growing lettuce in summer but probably not necessary if you are willing to try growing more variety.
Victoria, the bugs are not a problem....there will be plenty ! lol...sorry, that one was too easy. We (can) have bug problems 12 months a year.

I'm trying to move my tilapia inside my work shop.( The catfish will stay in the outside system) Their water will (gravity) flow outside to the pre-filters and to the grow beds. When it's really cold, I'll only let the water go to the pre-fiters and be returned.

TCLynx has pointed out several times that you lose most of your heat at night, with the water flowing through the grow beds.
NFT systems are the worst. Media fill and drain will lose a good amount too. I'm doing DWC, with styrofoam floating on the water, which may help hold in some heat. I'm still going to be careful though.

You might consider having your fish tank(s) inside your FL room.

TCLynx and I aren't too far apart...( 25 miles in a straight line ? ) she is further north and slightly west of me. It gets alot colder at her place. I'm not sure of exactly where your located Victoria (?) We have a grow zone go right throgh central FL...9a and 9b...just depends where your located.


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