Aquaponic Gardening

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The recent discussion about water hyacinth has been on my mind, and it seemed worthy of opening a new discussion.  Maybe we can find a few good alternatives.

There were a couple good links provided by Dr George Brooks I'd like to keep from becoming lost.

Sludge Busters

Prohibited Noxious Weeds in Arizona

I have come up with only a few choices.  One that makes good sense is Parrot Feather.  The good thing about Parrot Feather is the fish are not as likely to eat it, I say not as likely because I think my Koi nibble the roots.  It's invasive, and may also be banded from some locals, but I did not see it on the list above.   If floating plants are not required thenI would also assume Papyrus would be a good choice.  There are at least two types of Papyrus, and I have both,  One is short (about 2') while the other is large (about 5').   Space may dictate which one you prefer. Papyrus propagates easily and has fine hair roots.


Water Hyacinth is legal where I live. But I have not been able to keep in in my pond over the Winter. In the Summer it spreads very quickly and most of it ends up in my compost.

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@Jon - I did not know that about water lettuce.  I have taken a small bite of Colocasia.  It too contains calcium oxalate crystals.  I thought I was going to die.  I'm not kidding when I say that.   There is no way to convey the severity of the pain.  I described it like eating glass, but "makes you feel like you swallowed grandma's pin cushion"  is exactly what it feels like..   No wonder the Koi don't eat the water lettuce.

Here are a couple water hyacinth I bought this morning.  I'll try to propagate them indoors this Winter.  I like the one on the right.  I've never seen that kind before.  Maybe it's not a water Hycinth

Very little is not illegal in CA. LOL! (Speaking as one who lived there over 30 years)

I hadn't thought of growing the purslane in the AP. Won't it take over? I like the idea. And watercress. I'm going to try that, too. Great information!

@Bob....the plant on the right is Water Lettuce.

@Chris George - Oh I thought this (#1) was water lettuce.

Do you know what #1 and #2 are.  

@Bob....I know that plant (#1)....but I can't remember the name of it (I used to be young....but I'm not anymore, haha), I'll try to figure it out for you though, and #2 looks vaguely familiar, maybe I'll come across when I'm looking for #1's name.

@Bob...I think #1 is hydrocotyle (water pennywort) either ranunculoides or umbellata, but not knowing the scale on your pic, I'm not positive...and do they flower??

Thanks Chris,  They may have some small flowers but nothing worth remembering.  They became quite a nuisance last year so I pulled them all, but it's still around.  I can live with a few. 

I looked at some pictures and I think you nailed it with hydrocotyle ranunculoides  (water pennywort).  It appears this is not a desirable plant as it can smother the oxygen right out of a pond.  My Koi were not fond of it as food either.

Chris George said:

@Bob...I think #1 is hydrocotyle (water pennywort) either ranunculoides or umbellata, but not knowing the scale on your pic, I'm not positive...and do they flower??

Amen to that, Sheri. However, in the state where everything is illegal, CA did lead the way in making pot legal. Go figure.

Bob, your WH bunkmate is definately water lettuce, and is illegal too. About the only good I can think for the stuff is cover for fry and crawdad young, that does not get eaten by other fish, even tilapia. Nothing eats it, I tried feeding it to fish, rabbits, and chickens, before trying it myself. I know you mean truly thinking you're going to die. I composted it all that night, vile stuff

Sheri Schmeckpeper said:

Very little is not illegal in CA. LOL! (Speaking as one who lived there over 30 years)

I hadn't thought of growing the purslane in the AP. Won't it take over? I like the idea. And watercress. I'm going to try that, too. Great information!

Yes, Chris, I'm in Santa Cruz, CA, but I like your group. You might try a spray of water over your water cress in the heat. It likes the splash zone for sure.

Jon, I had the watercress in a floating net pot that was under the return from the media shelf beds, it got water every 30 minutes 24/7, didn't matter.  The fish tank was only 25 gallons or so, and black, and it really heats up.  Once I upgrade to the big systems the water mass (1500+gals) will be a whole different story.  Watercress is expensive at the stores here in the Phoenix area, as you'd imagine, so I really want to succeed with it, and I will with AP#2   Glad you are a part of the group, if you haven't figured it out yet, it's a pretty cool group....though there's a 'lot' of activity, check in often.

@Jon Parr  - I know you mean truly thinking you're going to die. I composted it all that night, vile stuff

I'm glad you tried it too. Otherwise I'd feel like there was nobody else who truly understands the pain. 

Several about a year ago a young girl died after eating undercooked poi in Hawaii.  It really can kill you.

I've been a Euell Gibbons type of guy all my life, willing to taste just about anything,  but taro root was more than I bargained for.  If anyone wants to experience this I'd advise you to only touch your tongue to the plant, and then wait for the experience.  I guarantee it will be something you will never forget.


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