Aquaponic Gardening

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I started messing around with tilapia 2006-2010

2010 - the end of july i had to take  my system down

i am currently trying to get a piece of property to set up a scaled system.

basickly i dont have a system that is running

but i want to share my last 4 years with aquaponics

with members.......


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Bummer, Sorry about the hard lesson.


But keeping your stocking low with the koi for now and adding slowly over time is probably a good way to go, especially since you don't have media or plants in yet other than the worm bin and duckweed.

It's just too bad we don't like the taste of koi.....they'd be the perfect fish!  :D

I have read somewhere that if you were to eat your koi, you would be surprised at how good they taste. I know, sounds like sacrilege to some… but looks like tacos to a hungry man.

Truth is koi or really just a type of carp which is one of the most farmed fish in the world.  I think most westerners are just to lazy to deal with bony fish.


Perhaps that explains the recipe (joke) I once heard.

Get a cedar board and cut to the length of the carp. 

Clean the carp and place on board.

Bake the carp on the board.

Discard carp, Eat board.

lol   ,,, next time i have a koi big enough to eat, ill let you know how the board tasted.


Hi all
Tc to tell the truth I never thought me to be very patient.....but with the cycling of my system I am
Surprising taking things slow, not rushing at all and letting the what-knots happen as they have to.
I have planted a few seeds in 4 of my baskets +- 7 days ago if my memory serves me right.
I sprinkled the seeds between the stones and this is now….cabbage/spinach/lettice

Using the media in these baskets is something I am thinking of.......
Very nice for maintenance if required.
Filling up the rest of the grow tray I will use hdpe machine cuttings....I have been collecting over the last few weeks.
The cuttings are light and very manageable.


yust me thinking

Hi all
6 days later

Hi Francois,

Any idea how much, as a percentage, of germination you are getting by sprinkling seeds this way?

Hi Harold

if by looking at these seed i would say close to 100 percent

Hi all
I looked inside of the worm filter yesterday and these are a few photos

lots of eggs and worms around the outfow where the solids from dam flow into the worm filter



the filter

Hi Francois,

Now that's a great filter design!. Is that green screen(middle) surrounding the drain pipe? and could you say what type of material is it?

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