Aquaponic Gardening

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There had been rumours that he quality of recent batchs of hydroton supplied to the UK.... were substandard... and had been recalled... but I'd been able to verify those reports...


I haven't been able to find an announcement from the factory itself... but the hydro industry... and "herbal" growing forums, and twitters... are alive with the news that...

As of the 28th of May.... Hydroton has closed it's production factory... and ceased production of hydroton completely...


The company is reported as saying that the ... clay was not meeting quality standards, so rather than sell a substandard product, they would close production.....


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Sorry... that should be ... as of around the 14th of May... a month ago....


Some suppliers are already short, or out of stock...

I'm in France, and it has been almost impossible to find any for the last month. So at the very least somebody's having serious production problems.

the original product is called Argex, made in Belgium, and they are producing full wack !


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