Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

In acquiring the components for my first system (3 Tote) I have jumped hurdle after hurdle. Now comes media...

A landscaping company down the street has 'crusher run' for $50/yd. (They are considering giving me a better price). From what I can tell this is a 3/4" gravel that is used as a base for roads, parking lots, etc. I will do the pH testing for this but it looks to be a quartz-ish type of stone. Has anyone tried or looked into this? Is this just yet another name for one medium that many use?

Where I am in Rochester, NY:

River Rock - pricey - delivery charge - source is questionable.

Hydroton - yeah right, I have kids who need to eat. (tried giving blood but Rum content was high)

Expanded Shale/slate - nothing around here - shipping makes it cost prohibitive. (N. Carolina)

Lava rock and the like - origin unknown.

Pea Gravel/ round-drainage rock/ other similar rocks - kind of local and available but the sources are questionable and I just don't trust that.

Charcoal - too ambitious and risky at my level.

Politicians bones - very acidic.


Big brains whom I respect immensely, thoughts, comments, dirty looks?


Scott W. Fitzgerald


Fair Port Pictures

Fairport, NY

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haha - my 7' ceilings hardly qualify as monolithic.

and when I planted a supposedly dwarf banana in my aquaponics, it grew up over the roof, so banana and papaya might not be good choices for low head room under lights.

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