Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Books - Manuals - DVDs other educational and Online resources

Lots discuss and review the educational materials we have.  Please include links to the purchase. Try to include a review of any materials you may have gotten at a training you attended.  If you found a good document on line free or not let us know about them also.
Remember you can find many clips from most of the these DVD's.   I didn't include links to the ones I reviewed as there are way too many.  I have found some very interesting PDF documents but there are too many to list at this time. 

There hasn't been much traffic on this Discussion.  Lets all contribute to this as our Sources of learning and sharing are as important to us as our social network. 

There are lots of places to talk about besides our own systems. 
Soooo give up the goods fellow Aquaponic devotees. 
Where are you getting your OTHER info from? Other Forums - Lists Servers - Newsletters etc. 
Start a Thread about them so we can all learn and participate with them. 
Jump in the water - be brave. 

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Murray's new “Aquaponics Made Easy DVD
My review: One of the first I bought. Professional produced. Very informative for the flood and drain method he uses. My favorite DVD for beginners and to understand what Aquaponics is. I lend it out all the time.

Here is the write up about it on the site.
Murray's new “Aquaponics Made Easy DVD” will take you into the wonderful world of building and maintaining your own 1000 litre (250 gallon) tank Aquaponics system and understanding the basics of what sort of fish you need relative to your climate and location.

It includes:

Assembling a kit system
Grow beds, tank, gravel media explained
Flood and drain, Auto syphons
Fish aeration, pumps, filtration, backup systems
Growing plants successfully
The nitrogen cycle, Fishless cycling
Testing your Water
Maintaining a balanced system
Choosing suitable fish for Aquaponics
Batching your fish - Growing your own fish food
Building your own Bathtub Aquaponics system
Solar powered systems
Essential checklist summary
This DVD has over 90 minutes of quality information
Aquaponics Secrets - The DVD - Companion to Aquaponics Made Easy
My Review: I just got this DVD a week or so ago. One of the best I have. Very informative on many of the aspects of commercial systems. Maintenance tips - Backup systems. Once again very professionally produced and some good animations. Well worth the money.
DVD Tour - Olomana Gardens, Permaculture and Aquaponics with Glenn Martinez
My Review: Olomana Gardens do a lot of Permaculture with many kinds of animals and worms. The DVD is a good watch but not that informative for Aquaponics. I would recommend it as there are lots of tidbits of good tips to stir the imagination on what can be done. Well produced and great photos.

Blub from the site.
Olomana Gardens, Permaculture and Aquaponics with Glenn Martinez: This is approximately one hour of video with Glenn explaining our integrated systems of animals, worm composting and organic aquaponics.
Organic Aquaponics Design manual from Olomana Gardens FREE
A free manual from Olomana Gardens
My Review: A great all around document on Aquaponics. Some history and who is who. Some of the many links are dated but I have found some real gems in them. I am not sure how current the links and references are. A must read for the newbie and us old timers. Since it is free I included it.
The Easy Aquaponics Book was put together by Earthgarden magazine
Blurb "Full of tips and tricks Easy Aquaponics is full of real stories from everyday people who are passionate about growing the healthiest plants and fish they can."
My Review: An interesting How to do kinda book with articles from a dozen or so Folks doing Aquaponics in Australia. The articles are written by the folks doing it. Some good pictures also. A small section on Commercial. A good read for the price.
Michael, thanks for the reviews... I really enjoyed the background info and who it works well for (newbie, experienced, etc).

I'm reading Ecological Aquaculture, a Sustainable Solution by Laurance Hutchinson, 2006. pp 136, British author.

I'm finding that this book is a good primer for developing a land based system that recreates a healthy ecological system. It's written for the layman but packed with good information which will be useful. I can see that it builds a basis of understanding that will transfer well to aqua-ponics. He covers the micro-organisms that flourish in a functioning system and builds on that. While not dealing with the specifics of how to setup an aqua-ponic's system... the material he covers will enhance such a system.

I was able to order the book on Amazon, Ecological Aquaculture: A Sustainable Solution by Laurence Hutchinson (Hardcover - Jun 30, 2006) & got it quickly.... $102.40. While pricy it's not as expensive as some, and yet it is very readable and useful.

Great information Michael. Thank you :-)
I am ordering mine today... Thanks for the review.
Aquaponics Secrets - The DVD - Companion to Aquaponics Made Easy

The DVD is in PAL Australian/Pacific format and would not play in my DVD players. It does play on my PC. You can convert to North American format if you have the necessary software but I wouldn't call it a simple process. That being said, I enjoyed the DVD - Murray entertains and informs, as usual.
I'm wondering who has attended any on the training workshops available. Was the cost worth it? Did you end up using the info directly or did you modify it? Did it feel like the program was pushing product and doctrine? If you've gone to many, which were most pertinent? Were they about AP only, or associated disciplines, or was the clinic, class, seminar, training weekend about something else and featured AP as a component? Was it a paid trianing or did you do volunteering, internship, etc.?

I'm thinking of a holiday gift for myself Nelson and Pade are fairly close, so is Sweetwater and Growing Power. But i'd love to hear about any opportunities.

I'd be very interested to hear any thoughts on the training workshops available as well. As I'm looking further into a commercial system it seems that there are a number of different reputable companies providing these services currently. 

David Nabong said:

I'm wondering who has attended any on the training workshops available. Was the cost worth it? Did you end up using the info directly or did you modify it? Did it feel like the program was pushing product and doctrine? If you've gone to many, which were most pertinent? Were they about AP only, or associated disciplines, or was the clinic, class, seminar, training weekend about something else and featured AP as a component? Was it a paid trianing or did you do volunteering, internship, etc.?

I'm thinking of a holiday gift for myself Nelson and Pade are fairly close, so is Sweetwater and Growing Power. But i'd love to hear about any opportunities.

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