Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Not sure if this is the right spot for it but here it goes:

I couldn't find a post that listed the lingo I've seen used by y'all Aquaponicans.

Such as:

Raft System

And a whole slew of others. Please school a Noob and add whatever lingo or acronyms you feel that might be useful




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I don't know what EFT is?

NFT, nutrient Film Technique Basically the plants in the troughs or tubes with just a small flow of water in the bottom.

Raft or DWC deep water culture where the plants are suspended in small pots in the rafts

Another one SLO stands for Solids Lifting Overflow or what some used to call a venturi drain
OK...taking a stab here...EFT might be Effluent Film Technique?
Awesome poo water :D

Sylvia Bernstein said:
OK...taking a stab here...EFT might be Effluent Film Technique?
I'm thinking that is an APW system... I'm wondering if EFT might be Excellent Food growing Technology?
Excellent Food Technology?

Excellent Fish Technology?

Anyway Here is one that gets lots of people
CHIFT PIST = Constant Height In Fish Tank, Pump In Sump Tank
Other way to say the same thing but shorter,
CHOPS= Constant Height One Pump System
hmmm didn't I ask for this in the past? 
Hum don't we just wish ning made it easy to merge threads.
I wass just being a butt.

TCLynx said:
Hum don't we just wish ning made it easy to merge threads.
But it's true, there already was a request for such and a thread started, just most of us didn't remember.
Theres gotta be a way to sticky threads.

I have seen people use the elementary things that confused me at first:

FT fish tank

GB growbed

I suppose we shouldn't forget AP 

I like AP but it used to be what people called me in chat rooms in the 90's - My middle name is Paul so my user name in AOL is APShivers -oh yeah it was meant to be! my initials (APS) are the same as the AP System I work on now! If this were my common user name here no one would have known it was my name.


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