Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

When do you think the 5000th member will join our community?  As of now (4/4/2012 at 9:29 am MDT) we have 4898 members.  New people are joining at a rate of 15 - 16 a day.

To enter comment on this post with the date and time that you think the 5000th member should join.  All times should be in Mountain Standard Time.  The closest time wins!

Voting will be closed on Sunday, April 7 at 12:00 pm MDT so get your vote in early.

The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to The Aquaponic Source store!

Views: 1583

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Thinking  04/10?2012  1020 AM

hemm.. Friday, April 13th 2012  21.00 PM i guess

4/11/2012 @ 9:37am (MDT)

April 11 @ 5:32 PM MDT

Tuesday April 10th 7:35 pm. 

Ha! My guess is April 9, 2012 @14:21 your time. Good luck everyone and a big welcome to #5000.

4/10/2012 at 8:42 MST

my guess is April 9th 10:30am


1:13 in the afternoon on Friday the 13th.  :P


(no I'm not superstitious)

Forgot to set to no follow and almost lost my email account. :D Maybe we should just start guessing the 6000th member already. On another note, my android phone doesn't play well with this forum, anyone doing an app or know one that can be used to get all the functionality from this site? With so many members, seems like a pertinet issue. I started building an similar app, but not enough time or skill level to get it done.


april 11 at 1700 MT

4/8 at 1137 am is when i think you will get to 5000


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