Aquaponic Gardening

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I just noticed this bacteria on my plants.  How can I remedy this infestation?  I now know that the seeds could have been contaminated but what can I do?

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you would need to identify the particular disease but the best bet is probably remove the infected plants from the system.  what type of system is it?  I know Friendlies has combated some infections by removing and sterilizing the raft and net pots around where the infected plants were.

Hi TCLnynx,

My system has a 900 gallon tank.  I'm suing a 2500 gph pump sending the water through  13 half drums filled with 3/8 and 3/4 gravel stones.  It is split in three rows


Row one - 6 beds

Row two - 3 beds, with gravity sending the water in a 3.5' X4'X10" wooden bed, the back to fish tank

Row three - 4 beds


I'm presently growing lettuce in all the drums and tomatoes in the box bed.  I tested the water and got the results

PH 7.6
Nitrates 5
Nitrites 0
Ammonia 0.25


What do you think? 


I've removed atleast 50% of the lettuce in the system which were infected.  Can I plant back anymore lettuce now?

TCLynx said:

you would need to identify the particular disease but the best bet is probably remove the infected plants from the system.  what type of system is it?  I know Friendlies has combated some infections by removing and sterilizing the raft and net pots around where the infected plants were.
I don't really know.  If the season is right there for lettuce then in my own system I'd probably plant more.  However if the season is right for tomatoes, it's probably time to plant basil.  Lettuce likes cool weather.
How have you come to the determination that your spotting problem is bacterial verses viral or just water spots? Can you post some pictures so we can see what your spots look like?
One approach to dealing with problems like you describe is to use seeds that are disease resistant. I like to use Johnny's Selected Seeds for most my seed. In their catalog they have information as to what diseases each variety of lettuce is resistant to. When I buy seed I look for disease resistance and heat resistance in each variety I am interested in.

Hi Sean,

Does it look anything like this?

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