Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello Everyone,

I have just started a website to promote aquaponics and my services related to aquariums,ponding, and aquaponics. 

I need photos to make the site better.  I am asking folks to donate pictures that show some aspects of AP systems. I can also post your videos or add links that are relative to aquaculture.

I still am early in doing AP systems so most of my photo journals are of aquariums and ponds.

Any help or suggestions will be welcomed.


Thanks Everyone!!!

Jon Farrand

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anything that I posted on my page you are welcome to ask me if I have higer resolution pics of - not always kept the originals before I compressed but let me know if I have something you are interested in

Since you are doing this as a business, I highly recommend you use as many of your own photos of your own work as you can.  But to help get started, you might go look through the photo albums here on the site and see if there are any photos that illustrate particular points you might want to make then you could contact the poster of the photo to ask for permission to use the pictures and make sure to give proper credit for the photos on your web site.


It has been a particular sore point that many people have created web sites selling aquaponics or aquaponic e-books and they have, without permission or giving proper credit, plagiarized others or simply taken and used their photos.  So I suggest that in addition to getting permission that you also post credit for the photos with the photos to keep people from bugging you that you stole so and so's pictures to make money on your web site.

Thanks I will let you know if I see anything that I like and give credit as well.  When things get going if you would like me to promote any positive things you are accomplishing, I will certainly do that.  I do want to do this as a business but I do know and reckonize the bigger value when using aquaponics. Just like this site opens doors I want my business and site do the same. One seed at a time!!

Kobus Jooste said:

anything that I posted on my page you are welcome to ask me if I have higer resolution pics of - not always kept the originals before I compressed but let me know if I have something you are interested in
No sweat.  I am also going for future financial gain from what I am doing.  I am involved with research that will likely have some results between the end of the year or early 2012, and it will soon be time to start talking more about it.  Until then, I am just trying to build knowledge and show people everywhere that I have a reasonably decent grasp on the concepts of AP.

Jonathan Farrand said:

Thanks I will let you know if I see anything that I like and give credit as well.  When things get going if you would like me to promote any positive things you are accomplishing, I will certainly do that.  I do want to do this as a business but I do know and reckonize the bigger value when using aquaponics. Just like this site opens doors I want my business and site do the same. One seed at a time!!

Kobus Jooste said:

anything that I posted on my page you are welcome to ask me if I have higer resolution pics of - not always kept the originals before I compressed but let me know if I have something you are interested in

Awesome we share the same goals and values then!  Keep it up as I will too!!

Kobus Jooste said:

No sweat.  I am also going for future financial gain from what I am doing.  I am involved with research that will likely have some results between the end of the year or early 2012, and it will soon be time to start talking more about it.  Until then, I am just trying to build knowledge and show people everywhere that I have a reasonably decent grasp on the concepts of AP.

Jonathan Farrand said:

Thanks I will let you know if I see anything that I like and give credit as well.  When things get going if you would like me to promote any positive things you are accomplishing, I will certainly do that.  I do want to do this as a business but I do know and reckonize the bigger value when using aquaponics. Just like this site opens doors I want my business and site do the same. One seed at a time!!

Kobus Jooste said:

anything that I posted on my page you are welcome to ask me if I have higer resolution pics of - not always kept the originals before I compressed but let me know if I have something you are interested in


  Looks like there are many people looking to earn money with aquaponics.  Is there a forum which can show HOW to make money with aquaponics ?  NOT with seminars, books or supply sales.......

Any experience or numbers for an investor in Florida ?

Aquaponics is not a good way to "get rich quick"

There are people managing to get commercial operations up and running but like with any other business, you have to do your homework.  You have to research your locating and market and work out a business plan.

I do not think there are any Forums out there to tell you how to do that.  Most of the people who have done it are pretty busy.  I think the closest you will find is Friendly Aquaponics.

I want to prgress in AP but really don't see just overnight becoming a viable business for awhile.  My goals are simple, produce vegetables and help other create AP systems. Just being involved with others work would make me happy. PLus all the healthy organic food you can eat!!

Knowledge is key - knowledge of your market, your system, your costs, and everything else that goes with any business case assessment.  I always find it interesting that the variables change drastically from region to region, but that the basics of assessing the viability of the venture will remain the same.  I think that an extremely usefull exercise for anyone to go through is to write up a business case statement as if he / she is going to submit this to a financial institution / investor.  Ask yourself the 20 questions.  It is not going to help you succeed if the market is there, but it will help you figure out IF the market is there, what the critical constraints and limitations is going to be and how to get ahead in it.  Making it viable is going to be up to your abilities as a farmer and a marketer. 


What we did for our location was design the system, cost every nut and bolt, get the potential outputs of specific crops with AP production data available in literature (very limited), cost every expense we could think of, and then ran scenarios for up to 5 years.  We found out how long the fish can stay in our system before they ate more than what they were worth, which crops were marginal value (as opposed to just yield, which a lot of people focus on) and which cost drivers were going to cripple us if they got out of hand.  it was a 8 month slog.

Peter said:


  Looks like there are many people looking to earn money with aquaponics.  Is there a forum which can show HOW to make money with aquaponics ?  NOT with seminars, books or supply sales.......

Any experience or numbers for an investor in Florida ?

  This is the way to go..... :)   I'm researching for data in Florida to see if a farm can make it in aquaponics as a business !

Looking forward to see the data from your area.


   I see so far only 3 combination business models which produce money  :

  1)  non profit and research centers (universities), asking for DONATIONS and selling seminars and boooks...etc

  2)  Commercial systems selling on a small scale plus seminars and books as the main  income stream

  3)  Non commercial  back yard systems to feed the family and looking to supplement income with consulting, teaching, books, seminars....etc.

     Is there more information available ?  Commercial operations with "open books " ?


Most of my research is done in collaboration with Denise Clarke, who is documenting the facts in Florida


Kobus Jooste said:

Knowledge is key - knowledge of your market, your system, your costs, and everything else that goes with any business case assessment.  I always find it interesting that the variables change drastically from region to region, but that the basics of assessing the viability of the venture will remain the same.  I think that an extremely usefull exercise for anyone to go through is to write up a business case statement as if he / she is going to submit this to a financial institution / investor.  Ask yourself the 20 questions.  It is not going to help you succeed if the market is there, but it will help you figure out IF the market is there, what the critical constraints and limitations is going to be and how to get ahead in it.  Making it viable is going to be up to your abilities as a farmer and a marketer. 


What we did for our location was design the system, cost every nut and bolt, get the potential outputs of specific crops with AP production data available in literature (very limited), cost every expense we could think of, and then ran scenarios for up to 5 years.  We found out how long the fish can stay in our system before they ate more than what they were worth, which crops were marginal value (as opposed to just yield, which a lot of people focus on) and which cost drivers were going to cripple us if they got out of hand.  it was a 8 month slog.

Peter said:


  Looks like there are many people looking to earn money with aquaponics.  Is there a forum which can show HOW to make money with aquaponics ?  NOT with seminars, books or supply sales.......

Any experience or numbers for an investor in Florida ?

We found that commercial farming on a larger scale (more than one tunnel) could work on a reasonable ROI if you value added on-site.  ROI was much longer for an extensive farm if you sold wholesale.  This was for South African conditions only, and we did not look at Niche market options because these are too tricky to model here (no yield data for specific crops or market size info for others).

Alfred Luckerbauer said:

  This is the way to go.....   I'm researching for data in Florida to see if a farm can make it in aquaponics as a business !

Looking forward to see the data from your area.


   I see so far only 3 combination business models which produce money  :

  1)  non profit and research centers (universities), asking for DONATIONS and selling seminars and boooks...etc

  2)  Commercial systems selling on a small scale plus seminars and books as the main  income stream

  3)  Non commercial  back yard systems to feed the family and looking to supplement income with consulting, teaching, books, seminars....etc.

     Is there more information available ?  Commercial operations with "open books " ?


Most of my research is done in collaboration with Denise Clarke, who is documenting the facts in Florida


Kobus Jooste said:

Knowledge is key - knowledge of your market, your system, your costs, and everything else that goes with any business case assessment.  I always find it interesting that the variables change drastically from region to region, but that the basics of assessing the viability of the venture will remain the same.  I think that an extremely usefull exercise for anyone to go through is to write up a business case statement as if he / she is going to submit this to a financial institution / investor.  Ask yourself the 20 questions.  It is not going to help you succeed if the market is there, but it will help you figure out IF the market is there, what the critical constraints and limitations is going to be and how to get ahead in it.  Making it viable is going to be up to your abilities as a farmer and a marketer. 


What we did for our location was design the system, cost every nut and bolt, get the potential outputs of specific crops with AP production data available in literature (very limited), cost every expense we could think of, and then ran scenarios for up to 5 years.  We found out how long the fish can stay in our system before they ate more than what they were worth, which crops were marginal value (as opposed to just yield, which a lot of people focus on) and which cost drivers were going to cripple us if they got out of hand.  it was a 8 month slog.

Peter said:


  Looks like there are many people looking to earn money with aquaponics.  Is there a forum which can show HOW to make money with aquaponics ?  NOT with seminars, books or supply sales.......

Any experience or numbers for an investor in Florida ?

Check out the TEDx/aquaponics video that was recently posted on this site. The video is 20 minutes that will change your life. Great stuff from basement mushroom harvesting to penthouse chicken coops, to the whole package deal of how to make a substainable micro industry with aquaponics.


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