Aquaponic Gardening

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I added some to a 5 gallon system thats several days old. I wanted to make sure my plants( Bean bush and watercress starts)dont die before the biofilter kicks in. I didn't think it would harm the fish but maybe someone else has a different take. The main problem with it is that it clouded up the whole system and i can barely find my fish (goldfish). They probobly like that though because they are a bunch of chickens and like to hide.

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It will clear up in a few days. Your fish will be fine:)

Seaweed extract (provided it is the kind that has the fertilizer ratings for N-P-K of 0.1-0-1.0)

It will turn the water dark for a while but as long as you only dosed a tiny bit the fish should be fine.  5 gallon is a pretty small system.

        Yes 5 gallon is small. Thats my teaser system. Also managable for flying on airplanes. No, just kidding. I have a 55 gallon system as well with 8 small goldies in it. both systems are struggaling to build a ballanced nitrogen cycle. 

TCLynx said:

Seaweed extract (provided it is the kind that has the fertilizer ratings for N-P-K of 0.1-0-1.0)

It will turn the water dark for a while but as long as you only dosed a tiny bit the fish should be fine.  5 gallon is a pretty small system.


Chi Ma said:
It will clear up in a few days. Your fish will be fine:)

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