Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I reached out to a few of you already but now I feel I need more feedback from others. This book will be about of course Aquaponics, raising animals and chickens, other gardens so please if you could message me and tell me what you have. I havent been in the Aquaponics loop for it seems a very long time. I recently acquired a 1 acre property, I want to get it growing again soon.

David Schwinghamer

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Depending on where you relocated to I would be happy to help you get set back up

Thank you for your response and giving a helping hand. My property is located 64th street and Shea. I need to run a water pipe about 100' and also want to setup my new system like George Brooks does it. I still have alot of stuff from my old system so im half way there.


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