Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I'm interested in getting the opinions of people that have been successful and setting up aquaponics. I want to set up a medium sized aquaponic system using tilapia. My question is is it necessary or imperative to use a media War will floating rafts provide the same results.
I live in florida where garding has many disadvantages due to insects.
I am interested in growing cantaloupe tomatoes leafy vegetables. Any help or information would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

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Thank to a video on you tube produced by Silvia Bernstein my question has been answered regarding the use of a media. I see she and others have many more informative videos available. I feel as if I'm ready to jump right in to a new and exciting adventure to Growing organic food. 



I have a media system but can't speak to rafts other than to say that you still need filtering with rafts.

You must deal with insects, regardless of how you garden.  I've found that the same insects will visit you either way so you'll need to learn how to control them.  I hand pick them or knock them off with water and that's all I do, usually, and I garden in North Florida, year round.

good luck with your plans

Ixm learning much about aquapontics, many experieanced gardners I'm hearing from or have watched videos published on aquaponic farming seam to have the media to provide surfaces to house the necessary bacteria which fertilizers the plants. Draining water from the media plant box to a floating [ raft ] planter provides the necessary bacteria for the plants in that float box. this makes perfect sense. I wanted to reduce my upfront expence by bypassing the media. As I see it know that would be the incorect way to accomplish my end result. 

This is an experment to try mastering the process on a small scale. In a year I hope to build a large system that will operate 100% off the grid on a 6 acre island in Brazil. I believe the oppertunity to teach those in need would lighten the chalanges many face. [Teach a man to fish or shall we say teach a man to farm with fish and he can eat well for ever]. 

George, have you tryed mosquito netting around your garden? I have had many bug issues in my raised bed garden and found netting the answer along with a home made pepper spray. 

Happy farming !!!

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