Aquaponic Gardening

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Who are the five largest and longest running commercial aquaponics farms in existence today? How big? Are there any over 3,000 sf of grow bed space?

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 Hi! We started C&C Farm last year. Did some experimentation last year, and started selling at local Farmer's Markets this past summer. Our AP setup includes a 5000 gal tank with about 1000 sq ft of growbeds and some vertical towers. We are selling to become self sustaining, and also to be able to donate organic veggies, free range eggs, and raw goats milk to our local food pantry. So far this year, we have donated over 500lbs of veggies. We are located in NW Arkansas.

That's awesome!

Cindi Conway said:

We are selling to become self sustaining, and also to be able to donate organic veggies, free range eggs, and raw goats milk to our local food pantry. So far this year, we have donated over 500lbs of veggies.

Might be interesting to know from the mentioned operations back in 2012, How are they all doing?

I'm still here.  I took a bit over 6 months off from doing any real farming/marketing of the farm products in 2014 (I had a baby and we had some issues that didn't let me tend to the farm from about March through October 2014.)

But this past summer, I'm proud to say that Aquaponic Lynx Farm has continued growing lettuce all the way through the summer here in central FL.  I estimate that for 2015 the farm is about breaking even.  I need to improve efficiency on several things, implement some backup systems, and do some more expansion to really allow the farm to be profitable.  It has been a real learning curve.  The biggest challenges really have nothing to do with aquaponics itself, logistics and marketing are where most start up farmers flounder since you don't actually make any money growing the food, you only make the money if you manage to sell the food quickly and for more than it costs you to grow, harvest, package, chill, transport, and market the food.

Yalaha Locally Grown Network


We are putting together a 320,000 sf commercial aquaponics facitity in NY to grow organic produce.  We have the existing greenhouse and have spent over 3 years researching aquaponics and the market.  We will be doing equity funding soon on and  Check out our website at

Alan H.

Don't forget about Sustainable Harvesters in Houston, TX. Been serving Houston, Austin, and Dallas since 2013. Just expanded to 20,000 SF. Now hiring another experienced greenhouse manager. Please email for any inquires. 

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