Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi folks, well it certainly looks as if the weather over here is definitely getting warmer. Leaves are coming out on the weeping willow etc. The in-ground has survived the winter beyond my wildest expectations. Produce included Kale, Mustard Greens, Carrots, Basil, Swiss Chard, Lettuce and now hand pollinating the tomatoes.

Took the lights out today as the 12hr dark period is here, and yes, tomatoes do need that when flowering and fruiting. So, 6 months of cold and lots of leafy greens later, plans are in the works for a community sized setup. I guess it helps to have the schools on board. I have set up a system at ours, and teach the grades 5,6, 7's about aquaponics 2 hrs /week. Its a lot of fun for them (me too), as they helped build it from the ground up. I provided all the equipment at cost, and volunteer the teaching time. It did not take long for word to get around. Lots of visits to my setup, and offers to help with proposals/funding for a community/ valley wide system. I must say that I was quite amazed at the number of people who are willing to support such an enterprise that can produce veggies locally year round.

Question: What looks like a giants stair case. Each step 12 feet high by 12 feet wide, 3 steps high, covered with plastic and 45 - 90 feet long. Well. the drawing looks quite impressive! Whether or not it can be pulled off is another story. However, if you don't try you will never know, right?

Have a great spring everyone.

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That's awesome look forward to pictures, good luck.


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