Aquaponic Gardening

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I have a 35 gal fish take. 4 KOI fish that are 6" and 4 goldfish that are 4". I have been growing tomatoes, lettace, chard and strawberries. For several months my nitrate level was about 100 and the tomatoe vines took off, not much else happened. After 7 months, I have a lot of tomatoes vines but no friut. In the last few weeks, my nitrate level has dropped to 0, however my ammonia and nitrite levels are also at 0.
The garden is small, I have about 16sf of bed using Plantit as a grow medium. I have to replace about 3 gal of water every couple of days because of evaporation. I do let the fresh water settle between additions and I do have worms in the grow bed.
My nitrates have disappeared and I have not produced anything. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Hi Rich

I had the same problem. My tom plants thrived, plenty of blossoms but no fruit so I brought in a fan and an electric toothbrush to help pollination. I have an inside tank so I needed to help pollination and light.. The plant took up all my room so I ended up pulling the plant and replacing it with cukes so we'll see what happens. The other thing is your grow lights. I was told by a gentleman who teaches hydroponics that it takes a really good growlight to produce fruit... and it turns out that the one he uses costs like $ 600. plus. So I'm perfectly content in growing my greens if that's all I can grow. I was also told that toms are very heavy feeders. If they are outside, I don't know .

Thanks Tom,
I have invested in the electric toothbrush idea and have been doing that. My lighting consists of two 200 watt compact fluorescents, two LED spot grow lights I picked up recently at the aquaponics store and two 32 watt compact fluorescent grow lights. I also have some light coming in the window the grow beds are up against, but you may be right, I may not have enough or the right light.

Right not my confusion is the nitrate level disappearing, but at the same time my ammonia and nitrite level being zero at the same time. It's confusing to me why this combination is happening.

An over-abundance of nitrates can cause your tomatoes to put more energy into growing the plant itself, rather than producing fruit. Now that your nitrates have dropped off, you might start to see fruit forming. Make sure the flowers are being disturbed so they pollinate, either by hand, or by circulating the air with a fan.

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