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Hello, I just started to clean my grow bed from the overgrown roots and notices a hundreds of little tiny larva's in it. Does anybody know how to get rid of them?

Thank you!

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Goodness, 100s of larvae can either be a threat or an opportunity. Depending mostly on species. So, I would first try to identify what type they are, whether they might serve as food/nutrient to the fish or other animals like chickens etc. Then knowing their next phase of life cycle would better allow me to harvest before they take flight or do damage to the system.

Do you have photos you can post here so we might help id them?

Have you noticed a lot of beetles, moths, flies, or any other insects in the area?

Is the grow bed indoors or out?

Can you compare them with any images of larvae on-line? here's a link that might help:

What type of fish do you raise and need to feed?

Hello Glenn and thank you for your answer> HAhaha........I don't think they will fly at anytime soon! :) Can you figure it out from the picture I attached? The grow bed is in living room. They are inside and in the water.

I have 75 gal tank and about 60 gold fish (small ones) I just started this aquaponics several month ago and don't know too much about it yet!

Thank you again!!!!!


Hmm, I don't see an attached picture....try it again.

Are the pictures  there now?

Alex Veidel said:

Hmm, I don't see an attached picture....try it again.

It's difficult to see from the one photo but at first glance I would suspect some sort of root worm. Maybe the Pennsylvania Corn Rootworm. They have a one year life cycle with the adult beetle laying the eggs late in the year, they overwinter and the pupae emerge this time of year and CAN do a lot of damage below ground and at the root line. Again, I'm not certain and would need more images.

Hello Glenn,

Thank you for your answer. I will try to take a better pic. later. Your picture shows some kind of eggs. My creatures are not an eggs, they are actually moving. They like water but also moving when I take them out

Like my grandfather use to say, "The hungrier the youngster the more they'll wiggle. :)

I'll look forward to  more photos, and with it being the month of May, my trout are wagering Mayfly larvae pupating. But they could be many things, including beneficial things like ladybugs, lacewings or wasps that zero in on horned tomato worms and grubs.

Good morning Glenn,

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I have decided to pull out all the tomatoes because the roots were overgrown anyway and system didn't work properly. I washed all the stone and practically started all over again. Planted new stuff and bucks are gone. I believe it had something to do with the tomato roots. Now I am growing a smaller stuff like Pea, cucumbers, spearmint, sage and peppers. Thank you for all your help!

I also had to replace my tank because it had a leak! It was a disaster situation!!!!!!

Everything's seems to be fine now. I guess I'll see!

Have a great day and thank you again!

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