Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi All - great to see that this is such an active site!

I'm new to aquaponics and drawn to it for several reasons.

From a community perspective:

  •  a local vocational school is starting a program for both high school and adult education in aquaponics
  • the local vo-ed aquaponics program is part of an environmental studies curriculum that feeds two local colleges that offer two- and four-year degrees in environmental science.
  • the vo-ed school is resurrecting an under-utilized 100' x 40' greenhouse for this purpose.
  •  the vo-ed aquaponics program is emerging with help from a community garden non-profit company partly dedicated to promoting and expanding aquaponics in Butler County Ohio.
  • a local florist & garden center is shutting down their greenhouse operations for the first time in 50 years and are looking for alternatives.

From a professional perspective:

  • we provide instrumentation for remotely monitoring and recording temperature, humidity, pH, wetness, conductivity, liquid level with battery-operated sensors connected to a web-based portal.
  • the system will send both email and text alerts to responsible parties when any system parameter is out of compliance
  • we also monitor electrical power consumption (clogged pump?) and with the same device, can turn power on or off based on other sensors inputs (for fans, pumps or any other 110AC device).

  • my intent here is to help the aquaponics community with a scientific approach to measuring, monitoring and controlling relevant micro-climates for optimal performance and learning.

You can't control what you can't measure.


 - Brian

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Sounds like you have alot to offer the community. Have you considered speaking at our festival?

glad to see some more aquaponics in ohio!

Steve R said:

Sounds like you have alot to offer the community. Have you considered speaking at our festival?

Steve - pay my expenses and I'll be there. I'd love to see Colorado again. it's been a long time.

but I wouldn't pay for anything I might have to say, at least not yet. lots to learn on this end.

I'm still very new at this - would really love to attend but just to listen.

 - Brian

Keith Rowan said:

glad to see some more aquaponics in ohio!

Keith - if your travels take you between Cincinnati and Dayton - look us up.

 - Brian

and if your travels take you up near cleveland, give me a shout

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