Aquaponic Gardening

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ok I'm a rookie just started my system. I have a 330 gal tote fish tank, 2  4'x8' media beds, a 16'x4' raft system that serves as a sump tank.  I have about 34 catfish that are 4" to 6".  Problem I have been giving them floating food and they don't seem to be interested.  Is there some trick to get them to eat that food or is it just a wait and see game?


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My catfish do not eat when the temperature is below 55 I think. I live in VA and it has been cold this winter.

As far as I know, it's pretty normal to not have fish eat when stressed. I just moved my most voracious eaters into a bigger tank and they've barely eaten in a few days. Same thing happened when I started my system a few months ago and all was well in the end.  Fish are surprisingly tough.

Ken, what are you water temps at? If their metabolism is slow, they won't really be enthusiastic about eating.

Thanks for the replys.  Water temps were in 50's but have gotten them to 70 now.

If you notice an increase in their metabolism, remember to increase their feeding slowing so you don't have a nasty ammonia spike. Don't just start feeding them a ton because they're eating it. Give your biofilter a chance to adjust to the increase in waste.

Ken Carlow said:

Thanks for the replys.  Water temps were in 50's but have gotten them to 70 now.

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