In the spirit of open source, I have created a photo album here detailing the construction of my affordable alternative to ZipGrow towers which I call the V-Tower...Here's the link ->
Feel free to expand upon and improve this design as you see fit. And by all means, please share your ideas with the rest of the world in the same open source spirit.
I have no intentions of profiting from this work or selling completely assembled units. Honestly, with my aquaponic business as well as being a copier repair technician and a freelance programmer, I simply don't have the time to build these units to sell for a profit. I believe knowledge should be free for the taking if anybody has the ambition to absorb it and utilize it. Credit for my work is appreciated, but it is not a requirement. I'm just looking to give others a helping hand, not interested in fame and fortune.
Please keep in mind that the slideshow feature here does not display photo comments/captions. Simply click on the first photo and use the prev/next links to navigate through the album.