Aquaponic Gardening

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Hello everyone,

I bougt a samll pack of Duck weed online.  After all I read, I was under the impression that it will grow, grow and grow so rapidly that I would not know what to do with it.  That did not happen.  I put it in a containter with water.  In the sun, shade. I added amonia, I added manure. I added areation.  I think it is growing at a very very slow rate.  Can any one tell me what is the OPTIMUM condition for duckweed for grow like no tommorow?  I searched it on the net but I got contracdicting information.




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  Much of success in AP and all the "trimmings", comes with learning what works best in each of our particular circumstances. This can be a bit discouraging when you really want an answer that says, "Do 'A' followed by 'B' and you will get 'C'."  Even with growing Duckweed there are variables that play in getting great growth.  I will point you to a document I found online that was a great help to me when I was searching for the same answers you now seek.     I successfully grow duckweed and feed it to our fish, farm fowl and pigs, but years ago had a disappointing start, so I know it can be frustrating.  Once you have it "dialed in" for your particular circumstances, you will be amazed. Don't give up.

  Hopefully this will be of help to you.



I was able to grow duckweed quite successfully in my backyard pond.  In less than a month it went from two fistfuls to covering the entire pond.


The water is still and I have an air pump for the fish.  He pond only gets a about 4-6 hours of direct sun and that may be the key factor.  I live in Colorado and as the temps have cooled I've noticed some die-off, and growth slow down.  We've only had a few light freezes so far, but over the next two days the temp will really drop so that will be the test


Question about feeding duckweed to the fish:  Is there any reason why NOT to give the Tilapia Duckweed if we plan on eating them?  While doing some research and geeking out on youtube there was a guy who said he would only feed the duckweed to fish he wasn't planning on eating but didn't clarify as to why.  In what little research I've been able to do I really can't find a reason not to use duckweed as supplemental feed for my Tilapia



  I suggest you take about a fist full of your duckweed and put it in a small container indoors by a window that gets some sun for the winter. This way you will have a fresh start when it warms up in the Spring, incase it all freezes and does not "re-start' in the outdoors backyard pond on its own.

   I have done this for a few years.  Even though the duckweed always has restarted in the pool after it looked like it all died off due to freezing, at least I have had some set aside for a fresh start just in case.  I have successfully kept my "extra" alive in our greenhouse.  - Converse

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