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I am in central Texas and built a raft system based on Friendly Aquaponics instructions.

Water temperature is up to 92

ph 7.7

ammonia 0.5

nitrate 10

nitrite barely above 0

Seed starting bed

Plant Problems

Tomatoes originally looked like Iron deficiency and I added iron, then it just started getting light green all over

Pumpkins that are now completely dead

Cucumber with same type issues and it's roots

Okra - left 3 are a week or two older then the ones on right

So any thoughts or ideas on what to do to get this going? I'm looking for a good low cost d.o. meter. I'm also wondering if putting them out in full sun in just frying them.

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Devoid, you should be checking your pH every day until you get your levels down. Our's didn't naturally fall because our well water is naturally alkaline. We had to help it fall with adding HCL. If you need to add a pH down don't use anything with citric acid as this will kill your bacteria. Good luck!

are those brass fittings I see on your tanks?

I'm not sure what you are seeing. I don't think I have any brass.
Oh and ph has come down a little so that's a good thing

Scott, wasn't sure if you were asking me or Devoid about the brass fittings. Yes we have brass fittings on our tanks. 

Scott Roberts said:

are those brass fittings I see on your tanks?

Devoid, glad to hear your pH is coming down. We are still having trouble with our strawberries but our cucumbers are doing great. Also our basil and oregano are doing well but our new little lettuce plants just wilt in the heat. Waiting for cooler weather to start some more of the leafy plants. Here is a pic of our cucumbers. I think they will take over the greenhouse if I'm not careful. 

Devoid said:

Oh and ph has come down a little so that's a good thing
I was about to start some lettuce, greens, broccoli and such but sounds like I should wait.

I have a cantaloupe that has started a melon. It's old leaves are dark green, newer leaves are light green.

The basil was doing well but the all 4 plants have been getting lighter and lighter green.

Lost a bit of water two days ago due to a clog. Waiting for the system too rebalance with the new water to test

Devoid, if you start from seed they may be ready when cooler weather gets here after Sept. I'm going to start mine from seed in my house. I figure it will take about 6 wks for them to be ready to put in the system at which point this dreadful hot weather should have subsided a little. Some of my newer leaves are light but then get darker. I don't know if that's normal or not. It's a real learning curve for us so far. We did add some iron which I will do periodically  and I was thinking of adding some Maxicrop just to help get the plants started although I won't be using that all the time. Hoooray for your melon. As you can see in the pic. I sent we have LOTS of flowers on the cucumbers plants but no little babies yet. 

Beautiful plants. I love the yellow squash flowers and okra flowers.

My chard seedlings seem to be ok other than something munching on their leaves

I'm getting ready to add two more troughs and put up a greenhouse for winter

Gena, I would do some quick research into vertical growing and pruning if you haven't already. Otherwise, you could end up with a system like mine :) (take a look at some of my pictures and you'll see what I'm talking about) I do know that you want to prune off the cucumber tendrils. The plant puts energy into making them and they just get in the way and choke things.

Gena said:

Devoid, glad to hear your pH is coming down. We are still having trouble with our strawberries but our cucumbers are doing great. Also our basil and oregano are doing well but our new little lettuce plants just wilt in the heat. Waiting for cooler weather to start some more of the leafy plants. Here is a pic of our cucumbers. I think they will take over the greenhouse if I'm not careful. 

Devoid said:

Oh and ph has come down a little so that's a good thing

Melons :) I should post some pictures of my melon house...I experimented with mini-melons and hugelkulture this year.

Devoid said:

I was about to start some lettuce, greens, broccoli and such but sounds like I should wait.

I have a cantaloupe that has started a melon. It's old leaves are dark green, newer leaves are light green.

The basil was doing well but the all 4 plants have been getting lighter and lighter green.

Lost a bit of water two days ago due to a clog. Waiting for the system too rebalance with the new water to test

Alex, I will check into that. This weekend we are running 2 x 4's across the top of the greenhouse to start trellising. Would love to see pics of your melon house. Would like to know what type of mini melons you grew.

Alex Veidel said:

Melons I should post some pictures of my melon house...I experimented with mini-melons and hugelkulture this year.

Devoid said:

I was about to start some lettuce, greens, broccoli and such but sounds like I should wait.

I have a cantaloupe that has started a melon. It's old leaves are dark green, newer leaves are light green.

The basil was doing well but the all 4 plants have been getting lighter and lighter green.

Lost a bit of water two days ago due to a clog. Waiting for the system too rebalance with the new water to test

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