Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I'm almost embarrassed to post this with all

you amazing do-it-your-selfers out there, but

my husband and I are really not up for a greenhouse

construction, but some of the kits look doable.

Does anyone have any experience with any of those?

I've been looking at the Rion and Natureline models.

Of course, the prices have kept me from jumping

in right away, so I thought I'd hopefully get some

feedback from this community!

They look nice, which is important as it

will have to pass muster with our landlord.

Also, I think the polycarbonate would hold up better

if attacked by lawnmower rocks!

And we could take it with us if we moved.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Thank you!

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I bought a Rion 8X12 Hobby Gardener and It's great! It was easy to put together and my wife and I had it up in no time. I was impressed by the demo on the Rion website and 5 of my grandkids have tested the panel strength many times. It survived wonderfully and I haven't had to wring any necks. It has weathered 60-70 mph winds a couple of times but instead of using the rubber weatherstripping, I used clear silicone to seal the panels into the grooves. We have mild winters on the coast so with the doors closed it holds the heat very well. I built a deck over a 300gal fish tank that I buried about 18" in the ground. The water stayed at 78-81 degrees (with no heater) all winter and this summer (doors open and a fan blowing on the water's surface) the water temp was 86-91 degrees. I'm happy with it.

Thanks Jon!

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