Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I visited a neighbor's aquaponics setup the other day and he told me that he's raising koi instead of edible fish because Oregon requires expensive licenses for invasive fish like Tilapia.  He said there are even expensive transport licenses for non-invasive, local fish like trout.  So I'm wondering what you other Northwest (preferably Oregon) aquaponics farmers raise?  I'm looking for something cheap, productive, and local so I don't have to worry about heating the water.  I understand that tilapia are the favorite because they're so forgiving of mistakes.  I think I'd rather fail several times before I succeed than be stuck raising tilapia by default.  I also think I'd prefer an omnivorous or herbivorous species, if possible.  What do you guys raise?

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Hello! This is my first post. I just wanted to clarify something a little bit that I read above. A reply by Travis TadeWaldt on April 27, 2012 at 1:23pm stated that the Oregon "propagation license is only required if you have Tilapia or sell fish." I just wanted to add that I believe that the Oregon propagation license is not required if you raise Tilapia for your own use (not to sell). Here's a link to a pdf about "Raising Tilapia for Personal Consumption" which has a "Permits Required" section which does not include the propagation license:

I found that link from this page which has a little more clarifying information:

If I'm not correct or misinformed here, please let me know! (I'm definitely a "newbie" to aquaponics. :)


"The new ruling allows rearing of tilapia for personal use indoors (within an enclosed structure) without a fish propagation license.  The four species that are allowed are Mozambique, Nile, wami, and blackchin.  A transport permit is required to transport the fish from the place of purchase to your property."

The Oregon F&W changed the rules Oct, 5 2012

Thanks... I had no idea of the history :)

Travis TadeWaldt said:

"The new ruling allows rearing of tilapia for personal use indoors (within an enclosed structure) without a fish propagation license.  The four species that are allowed are Mozambique, Nile, wami, and blackchin.  A transport permit is required to transport the fish from the place of purchase to your property."

The Oregon F&W changed the rules Oct, 5 2012


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