Aquaponic Gardening

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I need at least 30 talapia, anyone locally i could buy from? i would really like to get them asap. plus maybe i can make a friend/mentor in the process.

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I just know of Manny "the Tilapia Wrangler" off of 29th Ave and Baseline 602-228-4324

Samson J. Loo said:

I just know of Manny "the Tilapia Wrangler" off of 29th Ave and Baseline 602-228-4324

Hi Andrew

I have a batch of 2-3" mixed Nile Tilapia fry for sale $1 each.  30 is no problem, sent you a pm with my phone number.

I have good fish food too it's $2 a pound.


Jim Troyer in this group has tilapia for sale.  Scottsdale  cell 203-698-2626

Thanks Lynn     

Here is a current pic.  they are happy and healthy little guys!

Jim 203.698.2626


Hey Jim I still have your blue thermos and small white bucket, I'll bring them over tomorrow.

@ Matt

That's where they went! 

How are your babies doing by now?

@ Samson, yep plenty of fish right now.  I plan to have tilapia fry from now on.  My goal is to have more than one size fry available at any given time.  I'm also looking at having Channel Catfish available too... But I have to set up another system before that happens, so maybe in the fall.  Lots happening this fall!

I wouldn't call them babies anymore, they're growing like crazy!  Let me know when you get some Channel Catfish, I'll get a couple...

You'll be first on the list Matt

I have a few biggins.


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