Aquaponic Gardening

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Hello everyone,

I'm getting ready to build my greenhouse and would like to know if anyone else has advise.  I've heard it's best to use 1" dia. schedule 40 but I don't know much else.  I downloaded a sample Hoop House design at and found a few conversion charts to help with changing length, width and height. 

I need to know if it matters if the PVC is pressure pipe, or if it matters what PSI it is.  Also, what does DWV mean and is that bad since it has some type of foam?  Any additional advise would be helpful too!


Dawn Lindenmeyer

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Have a look at these to as well Dawn to get a few more ideas.

Also check the availability of clear plastic material in the size that you need for the covering.

In fact that is where I would start. For a hoop design the width of sheet that you would need

is pi x W/2, where W is the width of the proposed greenhouse.

You could also take some photos of the build to show us.

Good luck


Well the pressure pipe will be easier to bend but it is thinner so it will also be quicker to fail as the sun makes it brittle.  I would probably recommend you get the gray PVC electrical conduit if you are set on making a hoop house using pvc pipe.  Keep in mind that the pvc pipe can deform over time out in the sun.  I had a little hoop house arch (like just a cover over a grow bed like a cold frame) that was made using the 1/2" pressure pipe fail over it's first winter.  Where I had the sides of the arch glued into the ridge piece the pipe basically collapsed and my arch became kinda gothic until the pointed bits started poking through the plastic.

Anyway, if they say to use schedule 40 in the plans, I would do it, the pressure pipe is far thinner and will break far sooner.  If you want this greenhouse to last more than a few seasons, you may want to consider building using metal pipes and buy or rent a pipe bender to get something that is more likely to last.


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