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Just wondering if anybody would be interested in setting up a seed exchange within our membership?

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Hands over ears saying lalalalalalalala         LOL

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Hey Jeffrey...My man, I'd be real interested in sending you some of my C. annuum's for some of those Trinidad and Naga seeds...

I guess this might be a good time to mention things like postage costs when corresponding via snail-mail with folks internationally...Postage costs can add up if you utilize that service frequently. A really keen thing to do is use the 'old time' "Scotch-tape" trick and some pre-bought postage stamps.

If you put two layers of clear tape over the postage stamps you can re-use those stamps indefinitely. Place the first layer of tape nice and firmly over your stamps 'face', while "de-tacking" the second layer, before you place it on top of the first. Use some of the oils on your fingertips...helps that layer of tape be more easily removed later on... and cut the edges off nicely so they look good and all...remember stealth is kinda the key here. Normally, the post office will rubber-ink stamp the date over your postage stamps, thereby rendering them useless for re-use. If you carefully place two layers of transparent tape over your stamps, the person you are trading with can send them back to you. So you can take off the outer layer of tape (with the ink/date now on it) and place another fresh layer of tape over the now 'clean' and ready to be used again stamp. Back when I was a kid, heavy into underground music tape trading culture, this worked real well from Japan to Slovenia, and everyone was real good and diligent about sending peoples stamps back (except for this one asshole Croatian kid, but your always bound to get one here and there in the bunch) so the whole 'network' was basically free for those who participated, for years, and years, and years...

Jeffrey Ihara said:

This is what I have. Everything here is open-pollinated and collected from last year's harvest. Charapita is a landrace that I collected myself in the Peruvian Amazon (from a street vendor's back yard).

Capsicum annuum

Cabeza de Lagarto



C. baccatum

Ají Amarillo

Ají Omnicolor



C. chinense

Peach habanero


Trinidad Scorpion Red

Naga Morich

Caribbean Red


C. pubescens

Rocoto (red)

Manzano (yellow)



Costoluto Genovese

Haha...yeah, Bob it's not exactly 'Nights of Love, Days of War' material, but hey...

Here's another idea while we're at it...Since we're not talking about massive quantities of seeds or anything...You can fit a good deal of pepper, tomato, whatever seeds behind the black plastic on the inside of a CD case...since many countries are kind of funky about things like sending and receiving seeds. Putting a bunch of 'non store bought' seeds that aren't in there "original packaging" (kind of ironic isn't it?) in an envelope and labeling them "seeds", isn't really a good plan for hassle free posts...If you use the CD case your much less apt to have some uppity civil servant hopped up on caffeine and dreams of promotions, start questioning things...Plus, if you are really 'cool' you'll burn a CD full of local music, or your current favorite playlist or whatever...for the person your mailing to... Unique open pollinated seeds AND acoustic fertilizer in the same package...sure beats opening up the mail box and finding another bland electric bill...My GH is wired for sound, sure does make it nicer to work in there sometimes...

Jeff if you PM me your address, I'll send some of what I got...

Vlad, do, we ever sleep?

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Haha...yeah, Bob it's not exactly 'Nights of Love, Days of War' material, but hey...

Here's another idea while we're at it...Since we're not talking about massive quantities of seeds or anything...You can fit a good deal of pepper, tomato, whatever seeds behind the black plastic on the inside of a CD case...since many countries are kind of funky about things like sending and receiving seeds. Putting a bunch of 'non store bought' seeds that aren't in there "original packaging" (kind of ironic isn't it?) in an envelope and labeling them "seeds", isn't really a good plan for hassle free posts...If you use the CD case your much less apt to have some uppity civil servant hopped up on caffeine and dreams of promotions, start questioning things...Plus, if you are really 'cool' you'll burn a CD full of local music, or your current favorite playlist or whatever...for the person your mailing to... Unique open pollinated seeds AND acoustic fertilizer in the same package...sure beats opening up the mail box and finding another bland electric bill...My GH is wired for sound, sure does make it nicer to work in there sometimes...

Jeff if you PM me your address, I'll send some of what I got...

I don't know about you buddy, but I'm having lunch at high noon over here right now... Sleeping is over rated anyways...

It's 5am here and I am still trying to decide if i am going to bed or just stay up till sunrise and get some stuff done.  What you having for lunch?

Vlad Jovanovic said:

I don't know about you buddy, but I'm having lunch at high noon over here right now... Sleeping is over rated anyways...

Just some COS romaine, bok choi, wild chives, wild onions, chicory leaves, cold pressed olive oil, Homemade Parmesan cheese and mushrooms...nothin' special...Just what the forest and GH have to offer this afternoon....

Trying my hand at TIG (argon) welding some aluminum...which is a new skill set for me to learn...

Sounds tasty. What kind of mushrooms?

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Just some COS romaine, bok choi, wild chives, wild onions, chicory leaves, cold pressed olive oil, Homemade Parmesan cheese and mushrooms...nothin' special...Just what the forest and GH have to offer this afternoon....

Trying my hand at TIG (argon) welding some aluminum...which is a new skill set for me to learn...

yep, hungry now, hmmm   pancakes!

Vlad Jovanovic said:

Just some COS romaine, bok choi, wild chives, wild onions, chicory leaves, cold pressed olive oil, Homemade Parmesan cheese and mushrooms...nothin' special...Just what the forest and GH have to offer this afternoon....

Trying my hand at TIG (argon) welding some aluminum...which is a new skill set for me to learn...

PM sent. 

For flat seeds like pepper I usually go with a single layer of bubble wrap in a small letter envelope. Just a single stamp, at least for domestic mail. Seeds arrive with no damage. Not sure about sending to yurrup.

If you prefer me to send with a CD of Brazilian tunes I can do that as well. Let me know.

Either way Jeffrey...But some Brazilian tunes does sound appealing

'Kay, Vlad. I'll burn up some MPB for ya. If there is any good Serbian hip-hop in your collection I'd get a kick out of that!

Besides the Trini Scorpions and Nagas, anything else?

Sounds good Jeffrey. I think there might be something in my collection that fits that bill!

Any of the C. pubescens would be cool too. I've heard that that they do pretty well in cooler climates (like mine). I'd like to try to grow one as a potted tree in the GH. That charapita you mentioned sounds mighty fine too.

I have some open pollinated lettuce (Lactuca sativa) of a local variety. It's a type of lollo rossa and some other greens that you had asked about, that may do somewhat better in the heat than most (not sure about how they'd do out where your at, but you could probably figure out a way to make it work...I'll send some your way.

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