Aquaponic Gardening

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I have been studying and using homeopathics for years for my family and pet and recently I connected with a homeopath who wrote a couple books on using it in your gardens and farming...I inquired to him about the use in an aquaponic system.  He was not familiar but I thought it would be a fantastic method in issues within the system.  Just wanted to know if anyone was using it?


With Gratitude,


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I agree with Harold.   Jon, you should start a thread on that.  I have a micro scale oyster mushroom farm where most of my income will be coming from.  Id love to hear about your fungus operation and how it could be incorporated, i have some ideas as well to help with brainstorming :)

Harold Sukhbir said:

Hi Jon,

Almost missed your comment being distracted.Very interesting idea with mushrooms.Why not start a thread on the subject, might attract solutions through discussion, I for one, would like to follow it.

Jon Baldwin said:

I have not yet found a way to incorporate my mycological enterprises (mushroom farming) into aquaponics, but I'm a big Paul Stamets fan (the science at least) and am looking for a way... may not apply to your aquaponics efforts, but various mushrooms and fungus are big in alternative meds. Good luck!
Travis Hughey has been doing stuff with growing Mushrooms.
TC, do you have any links? id love to look more into this.  At a minimum they produce CO2 which could naturally boost CO2 level in the growing are if in a greenhouse, or indoors.  There is a product called CO2 boost which uses mycelium to raise CO2 levels in small areas.  I was thinking of experimenting with making my own in the future.

Here is Travis's web site

and I'll find my link to the Barrel Ponics Group which is where I remember him mentioning his project converting a refrigerator container or trailer into a mushroom operation or something like that.

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