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Most of the bread where we shop contains HFCS.

Our government is not our friend to put it mildly.

My sweet satan... Wow, as enraging as all that big surprises there...

Point 3 is my favorite..."Many members of Congress were apparently unaware that the "Monsanto Protection Act" even existed within the bill they were voting on. HR 933 was a spending bill aimed at averting a government shutdown and ensuring that the federal government would continue to be able to pay its bills. But the Center for Food Safety maintains that many Democrats in Congress were not even aware that the provision was in the legislation:

I mean what the fuck are they aware of as the vote on any given bill for god's sake...if not it's conyents? ..."Mmm, donuts..."

It must be nice to get paid so much money, yet still have the luxury of being so totally "unaware" of what it is you are, or are not doing while at work. I can't figure out if your government has become just total evil incarnate, or are just a bunch of incompetent (and hopelessly corrupt) schmucks..?

I tore this out of one of the chemtrail forums on Yahoo. People are getting fed up.

"There has been an all out attack on Southern California for the past 8 days. I call it the crop dusting of humanity, by the DHS. There are groups forming in order to combat this attack. Their members will be looking for protestors who will take this to both City Hall and a few members of Congress in our local areas. If it doesn't stop, then a major movement to educate the public will begin and these politicians will be outed as co-conspirators. Voting them out may be the only way to bring about change.
 The local hospital emergency rooms are reporting several deaths related to respiratory problems, complications due to the spraying so they are murdering people, mainly the elderly and very young. This is genocide people! Start calling your mayors and your local politicians and DEMAND they call Langley and insist on the cease fire TODAY!!"

Both, but heavy on inherently and hopelessly corrupt.  We're circling the drain.

Vlad Jovanovic said:

. I can't figure out if your government has become just total evil incarnate, or are just a bunch of incompetent (and hopelessly corrupt) schmucks..?

Yet the people in Ca. keep voting in the same ol' crooks, election after election after election.

Jim Fisk said:

I tore this out of one of the chemtrail forums on Yahoo. People are getting fed up.

"There has been an all out attack on Southern California for the past 8 days. I call it the crop dusting of humanity, by the DHS. There are groups forming in order to combat this attack. Their members will be looking for protestors who will take this to both City Hall and a few members of Congress in our local areas. If it doesn't stop, then a major movement to educate the public will begin and these politicians will be outed as co-conspirators. Voting them out may be the only way to bring about change.
 The local hospital emergency rooms are reporting several deaths related to respiratory problems, complications due to the spraying so they are murdering people, mainly the elderly and very young. This is genocide people! Start calling your mayors and your local politicians and DEMAND they call Langley and insist on the cease fire TODAY!!"

And that's a little like blaming the 49% of us who DID NOT vote for our present crook in charge. Believe it or not there are still a lot of people who live in CA that do have a clue. It is not fare to them to paint them all with the same broad brush. They, for now at least, have lost control of the reins. Think how they feel. They love their state and are victims of a bought and paid for dumbed down electorate. Celebrate the fact that many good people are waking up. I refuse to give up on my country much lass my state and for that matter our world.

Of course personally we made great sacrifices financially to get out of corrupt New England and back to a grass roots state like TN ourselves. I wish I could tell you how I really feel about all this OWO elitist crap that is all related, GMOs, Chemtrails, etc. but I might get the boot. After all this should be all about AP but unfortunately what the uninformed farmer down the road does with his crops affects us all these days and so does the crap those planes are spewing down on our land and AP systems on nearly a daily basis now. Well, not ours as we are under glass, so to speak, and draw our water from aquafers 300 feet down. That was the first appeal to me and what lured me into AP: I can control my environment, for now, and I am after all an admitted control freak

We do however maintain a pretty good sense of humor about all this and life in general around here. There are after all NO guarantees. Life is what WE make of it. THEIR job is to take over the world and enslave the rest of us as THEY see it. Our job, as we see it, is to stand in their way and really piss them off and make their job as miserable as possible for as long as possible. Who knows, we might actually win. We most certainly will not if we don't try. We do outnumber the elitists by quite a few billion after all. There aren't many things they can do to us without destroying their own world as well. Theirs' is a fine line to walk.

Where you find the most money you inevitably will find the most corruption. Surely that comes as no surprise.

The only difference between the US and the vast majority of rest of the world is our Second Amendment. When that's been slowly boiled away, freedom world wide is finished. It IS our symbol of freedom and why we must never let it be diluted with ever more new stupid rules meant only to appease the meek of heart and further the goals of the UN's Agenda 21. We are on the cusp of loosing it and so go the hopes of freedom for the rest of humanity. That too should be no surprise to anyone with a brain. Anyone attacking that is a traitor to our nation and forefathers. No ifs and or buts about it. School shootings be damned. Freedoms have always come with a price. None of this is new. That is why real history is slowly being left out of our schools. It is hard to learn from history when it is constantly being diluted thru omission. None are so blind as those who WILL not see.

Hey, the Sun's out! Later
George said:

Both, but heavy on inherently and hopelessly corrupt.  We're circling the drain.

Vlad Jovanovic said:

. I can't figure out if your government has become just total evil incarnate, or are just a bunch of incompetent (and hopelessly corrupt) schmucks..?

Jim, you are soooooo  right!

I likes me guns too Jim...but I don't really agree with your idea that "when the (American) Second amendment boils away, freedom worldwide is finished...We are on the cusp of loosing it and so go the hopes of freedom for the rest of humanity..." ???

...Though I do think you are right when you say that... "it IS our symbol of freedom..." key word being "symbol"...alas, it is just that, only that a symbol.

The type of freedom that you refer to in your post Jim is an illusion. Freedom, true freedom does not, nor can it, nor has it ever existed in any hierarchical (vertical) power any time in human history. You can dress it up in whatever colours you like and call it whatever -"ocracy"  or -"ism" you wish, but hierarchical power structures (such as are governments, empires, kingdoms, institutional religions... wherever the geography, whatever the time period, are by their very nature diametrically opposed to the notion of "freedom"... always were and always will be. Again, what you speak of is an illusion.

True freedom comes from within, Jim. It is not a is something closer to a sensation. It's not a concept to pledge allegiance to, a cause to serve, or a standard to march is an experience you must live every day, or else it will escape you. It is not freedom in action when the flags are flying and the bombs are dropping to "make the world safe for democracy," no matter what colours the flag happen to be. Freedom cannot be caught and held in any State system or philosophical doctrine, and it certainly cannot be enforced or "given" to others...The most you can hope is to free others from forces preventing them from finding it themselves.

It appears in fragile the make-believe of young children, the cooperation of friends on a camping trip, the workers who refuse to follow the union's orders and instead organize their own strike without leaders. If we are to be real freedom fighters, we must begin by pledging ourselves to chase and cherish these moments, and seek to expand them, rather than getting caught up in serving some party, ideology, or worse

Real freedom cannot be held on a voting ballot either...Neither in California, nor anywhere else. Freedom doesn't mean simply being able to choose between options, it means actively participating in shaping the options in the first place, creating and re-creating the environments in which options exist. Without this, we have nothing, for given the same options in the same situations over and over, we'll always make the same pre-determined decisions. If the context is out of our hands, so then is the choice itself. And when it comes to taking power over the circumstances of our lives, no one can "represent"'s something we have to do ourselves.

Representative democracy itself is a contradiction in terms. No one can represent your power and interests for you. You can only have power by acting, and you can only know what your interests are by being involved. Politicians have made careers out of claiming to represent if freedom and political power could be held by proxy. Now inevitably, they have become a priest caste that answers only to politician classes have always been, and will always be.

Voting is an expression of our is an admission that we can only approach the resources and capabilities of our own society through the mediation of that priest caste. When we let them prefabricate our options for us, we relinquish control of our communities to these politicians in the same way that we leave technology to scientists, health to doctors, living environments to city planners and private real estate developers. We end up living in a world that is alien to us, even though our labor has built it, for we have acted like sleepwalkers hypnotized by the monopoly our leaders and specialists hold on setting the possibilities.

The fact is we don't have to simply choose between presidential candidates, soft drink brands, competing activist organizations, television shows, news magazines, political ideologies. We can make our own decisions as individuals and communities, we can make our own delicious beverages and action coalitions and magazines and entertainment, we can create our own individual approaches to life that leave our unique perspectives intact...But I digress...

Well said Vlad, no argument here. Fortunately I have only a moment to reply.

All of life is a balancing act. No it is never going to be perfect anywhere on this planet. The sweet spot is somewhere between anarchy and tyranny. That is what we strive for here in the US on a private citizen level despite the politician class and "ism" creep. Unfortunately for us it peaked some years ago but we have made it past the dire 200 yr. mark.

"The most you can hope is to free others from forces preventing them from finding it themselves." That is what it is all about. Doesn't often work out that way but we will keep trying. Why, because we are human.

Now I must run as "THEY" have allowed us a clear beautiful day. Actually they're up there trying to cover us up but God is screwing with them with a very fast jet stream and He is winning so far. Spectacular displays though. I got some great pics that I will post to the CT forums later. "God helps those who help themselves." We certainly do "live in interesting times"

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