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It gets worse. Just lost all our bees and we live in farm country. Here is just one link of many on the subject:

Yes, I remember reading about that acquisition of theirs a while back...Just ridiculous... 

Yeah, I remember reading that as well. It was ironic, because it just at the exact time I was doing some serious research on beekeeping. (obviously, it came up separate from my research queries, otherwise it would have failed to be ironic) Who can we trust anymore? The pickings are gettin' slim...

And then there is the huge chemtrail assault on our planet that most people still don't even want to go there or simply cannot believe. I am thinking of starting a thread on here to warn people who do want to pull their heads out of ..well let's just say the sand, as to whether or not they really want to use rainwater in their AP system. At least they should be able to make an educated decision.

Our weather is being totally controlled and has been now for some time. No rain in our system. The Monsanto problem pales by comparison. I run into 3 types of people on this: those who know, those who don't know, and those that don't want to know.

Goggle "Monsanto India" to learn more on that wonderful company.

For an short intro to CTs:

Question Jim:

Say that we now know. What then. Do we all "write our congressmen" and ask them nicely to ask the parties in question to 'please stop'? I'm not being sardonic, just wondering how or what someone is supposed to do to go about mitigating those types of situations? (In your analysis of things)...What do you suppose that struggle would look like in order to effectively remedy things like Monsanto, DuPoint, CT's, 98% of this planets governments, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumann, General Electric et al.

Join the fight. Take pics. Help post them to the forums. When we have enough voices we can get answers and know the risks like: is it safe to be out on a clear day? is the water safe? what can the gen public do to prepare for whatever the hell is up? etc. etc.

I mean really wouldn't you feel foolish if there were things you could have done to protect your family and friends. THEY don't want people to know the details for fear of panic and even world economic collapse. That doesn't mean intelligent people have to go down with it just because They're worried about Their fortunes.

You and I are already ahead of most with a GH. Now if it is a fear of retribution I understand. The internet is a double edged sword in that way. I'm too old to care about that. I have children so they are more important to me than I am. What will we leave them? These monsters need to go down. We out number them 1000 fold but they own the media so we all need to get educated despite the media. FOX won't even run their own 1 year documentary on Monsanto much less CTs and they were our last hope, But we still have the internet so far.

Check out the Bill Maher response to the failure to pass sometime.

Vlad Jovanovic said:

...I bet if Prop 37 passes, monsanto will try to sue every citizen who votes in Ca...

Big Ag is not content to rule agriculture in the U.S.  They want to export it to the world too and they are doing it, to some extent. 

Yeah, the stuff that's going on in India has me really concerned. Their system is causing a lot of farmers to go into debt. A lot of them commit suicide because of the debt they rack up...

That's an understatement. Sorry about the BIG text here. Carried over from paste.

Monsanto connected to at least 200,000 suicides in India throughout...

Jan 4, 2011 – (NaturalNews) When India's seed economy was forced by the World Bank to become globalized in the late 1990s, economic conditions within ...

Heard a radio show on NPR today and I'm sure you can listen to it on their site about GMO corn seed coated with pesticides which are linked to the bee die off.  This, of course, the seed producers deny.  The planting season is when the bee die off occurs and airborne pesticides have been measured at 700,000 times the amount necessary to kill bees.  The seed producers intend to change the application method to reduce that by half - rather dismal math.  

Big AG is investing big in Brazil, where they already produce more soybeans than the U.S. does.  The U.S. is importing grain this year, mostly due to the drought.  

Watch your labels - good ole GMO HF Corn Syrup is in darn near everything.  If the thought of the corn syrup doesn't bother you, what about the herbicides and pesticides?  We're a nation of human lab rats but we can choose whether or not to participate in the experiment.  I hope so anyhow.  


One of my favorite experiences with high fructose corn syrup is as follows: A couple years ago, my mom and I were doing some shopping. Picking out bagels, I grabbed some, while my mom insisted on the multi-grain version, saying it was healthier than all the other flavors. When we looked at the ingredients for blueberry, dutch apple, banana, cinnamom raisin and multi-grain, turns out multi grain was the only flavor that contained high fructose corn syrup :) Go figure. Don't you love modern health food? :P

George said:

Heard a radio show on NPR today and I'm sure you can listen to it on their site about GMO corn seed coated with pesticides which are linked to the bee die off.  This, of course, the seed producers deny.  The planting season is when the bee die off occurs and airborne pesticides have been measured at 700,000 times the amount necessary to kill bees.  The seed producers intend to change the application method to reduce that by half - rather dismal math.  

Big AG is investing big in Brazil, where they already produce more soybeans than the U.S. does.  The U.S. is importing grain this year, mostly due to the drought.  

Watch your labels - good ole GMO HF Corn Syrup is in darn near everything.  If the thought of the corn syrup doesn't bother you, what about the herbicides and pesticides?  We're a nation of human lab rats but we can choose whether or not to participate in the experiment.  I hope so anyhow.  


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