Ouroboros Farms is a large-scale commercial aquaponics facility starting up in Pescadero, on the San Mateo County Coast.
Ken Armstrong there says:
“We will begin offering tours of our farm beginning on Saturday January 5th, and then the first Saturday of the month from then on. The time will be 12-2, and at a minimal cost most likely $10 and you'll get a sample with the entry fee, and the option of purchasing some more when you see how amazing it is!
To reserve your space and receive updates, please email: jessica@ouroborosfarms.com”
I can't go Jan. 5; anyone interested in heading there together Feb. 2?
Def would be fun to go to. I'm game to make the trip.
I'm in! That sounds great!
I am intrested, looks like it close if it in San Mateo.
Paul should we reserve for ourselves for Feb 2nd?
Reserving sounds like a good idea, George. Let me check with spouse to make sure this'll fly for me. FYI, Pescadero's in San Mateo County, but it's about 30 miles farther than the city of San Mateo. So, Sac - Pescadero is about 130 miles (and for you Geeoge, Rodeo - Pescadero is about 70 miles)
FYI for those interested in this trip:
On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Jessica Patton a href="mailto:jessica@ouroborosfarms.com" target="_blank">jessica@ouroborosfarms.com> wrote:
Awesome!!! We are looking forward to meeting you all! Jessica
On Dec 8, 2012 7:08 PM, "Paul Trudeau" a href="mailto:joezbro@gmail.com" target="_blank">joezbro@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Jessica,
Some of us aquaponics enthusiasts from the Sacramento area and nearby are hatching a plan to come on the tour of Ouroboros on February 2. Right now 3 folks, myself included, are in for sure, and I expect others may join as the date gets closer. Can you reserve spots for us and keep me posted?
Paul Trudeau
(916) 533-5268
Just thru up a couple pictures on my blog . I went on a farm tour Saturday Jan 5. Pretty sweet operation. - http://mullinsfarms.com/hydroponics-aquaponics/ouroboros-farms/
More on my facebook page.http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.537372239614498.127056.220...
Hi friends,
Time to confirm whether or not you will be in on carpooling to the Ouroboros tour February 2. Please respond to this post and/or contact me (joezbro at gmail dot com or cell/txt 916 533 5268). So far it looks like Anne from Elk Grove, myself from Sac, and George from Rodeo. (Craig, since you went in January, will you not be going this time?)
Pescadero is about 130 miles and 2.5 hours one way from Sacramento. Actual tour is 12 noon to 2 pm. I'll plan to drive my Prius unless someone else prefers to use their vehicle. Prius can hold up to 5 (including driver).
Whether I drive or ride with someone else, I'd like to share vehicle costs, and I propose the following: figure actual vehicle costs (for a Prius at least) at about 33 cents/mile and split that cost amongst everyone in the car. Click here for an idea of what that adds up to. If I'm the vehicle owner, I'm happy to consider extenuating circumstances if paying that amount would be a hardship for anyone. If I end up riding in someone else's car, I'll offer to pay an amount based on this calculation. I'm open to other proposals as well...
The tour is certain to be interesting and it'll be great fun to go together and hang out on the way there and back. So, I hope folks will consider coming on the trip. Let me know...
correct prob wont be going.
We have at least 5 people going to Ouroboros on the 2nd now and maybe as many as 7, so far. If more than 5 go, we will need more than just my Prius (ie a 2nd car or a larger vehicle). If you're going, please let me know if you can also provide a vehicle, and then we can sort out which is our best option when the time comes. Thanks.
joezbro at gmail dot com
916 533 5268
ps Craig - will miss hanging out with you, but catch you another time!
Molly & I just got back from Ouroboros. Such great people!
Plan is to meet at my place in downtown Sac around 9:00 AM this coming Saturday and head out for Pescadero soon thereafter. Please let me know ahead of time if you're coming. I have a msg. in to George in Rodeo; we could pick him up on the way. Bring your own brown-bag lunch.
916 533 5268
joezbro at gmail dot com
ps we do have a Prius and/or a van available to take; together they'd hold up to 12 people...
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