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No surprises here.  Eventually the GMO corn probably will have no effect against insects.  article

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Is anyone using the GMO free USDA Certified Organic fish food?

This is the link to the 2yr study abstract in the Food and Toxicity Journal about the toxicity of Roundup. it is the first independent study based on the same criteria that Monsanto used when getting Roundup approved. It is just taken to it's full conclusion...the lifespan of the rats used in the study.  Eventually I will purchase the full study. But the EU has validated it as well and will be using it as a guideline last I heard.
Chris Downs said:

An those that produce this stuff probably eat organically.  They get to see the results first hand.

Not a good way to protect our way of life in my opinion.  That is why I am here.  To be around others that want to grow healthy ways and make a difference in our world!  Thank you for Standing up and growing Great Nutritious food!!!

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